Rosebud Economic Development Corporation (REDCO)

Propane Delivery Truck Business Start-Up

Project Description: Rosebud Economic Development Corporation (REDCO) was established in 1999 to foster economic development under a politically neutral economic development entity.

REDCO’s fundamental objectives are job creation and improvement of the economic and social welfare of tribal members. REDCO’s Local Markets Division focuses on providing goods and services in the local region. By fostering local entrepreneurship and job creation, REDCO is able to generate revenues for the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, attack persistent poverty, and provide affordable quality goods and services.

The loan guarantee program was a service used by REDCO to establish Sicangu Auto Service, a Propane Service and the Turtle Creek Crossing grocery store.

Type of Service:
Loan Guarantee
Native American Bank
Multiple Retail Business Start-Up
Financing Amount:
Mission, SD
Download PDF:
DCI REDCO Success Story.pdf ;