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IA Handbooks


Handbooks are typically companions to Indian Affairs Manual (IAM) policy chapters, and provide a greater level of detail (i.e., the procedures) for Indian Affairs (IA) employees. In other words, the handbook provides the procedures that implement the companion policy. The handbook's “Title” should reference the program topic covered in the IAM chapter(s), and be numbered accordingly. For example, 5 IAM 2-H is the companion handbook to 5 IAM 2 (the policy). 

Employees can access the Handbook development guidance and an example by visiting RACA's internal website via SharePoint (for IA employees only)

Handbook Title Description Issue Date
1 IAM 1-H: Indian Affairs Directives System Handbook

Provides guidance to assist employees with producing the policies and procedures that affect IA programs and activities.

5 IAM 2-H: Single Audit Report Handbook

Provides specific procedures for initiating, resolving, and closing single audit reports, and includes examples and templates.

13 IAM 3-H: Indian Self-Determination Awarding Official Certification System (AOCS) Handbook

Implements a certification system for those designated/delegated the authority to function as an awarding official for P.L. 93-638 contracts and grants.

25 IAM 3-H, Volume 1: Occupational Safety Handbook

This handbook documents the procedures required to implement the Occupational Safety portion of IA's Occupational Safety and Health Program (OSHP) policy, as documented in 25 IAM 3. It supersedes all related content in 25 IAM H: Safety and Health Handbook for Field Operations, issued (updated) 10/05/2004.

25 IAM 3-H, Volume 2: Occupational Health Handbook

This handbook documents the procedures required to implement the Occupational Health portion of IA's Occupational Safety and Health Program (OSHP) policy, as documented in 25 IAM 3. It supersedes all related content in 25 IAM H: Safety and Health Handbook for Field Operations, issued (updated) 10/05/2004.

25 IAM 3-H, Volume 3: Safety Awards and Recognition Program Handbook

This handbook documents the procedures required to implement the Safety Awards and Recognition Program portion of IA's Occupational Safety and Health Program (OSHP) policy, as documented in 25 IAM 3. It supersedes all related content in 25 IAM H: Safety and Health Handbook for Field Operations, issued (updated) 10/05/2004.

25 IAM 3-H, Volume 4: Inspections and Abatement Handbook

This handbook documents the procedures required to implement the Inspections and Abatement portion of IA's Occupational Safety and Health Program (OSHP) policy, as documented in 25 IAM 3. It supersedes all related content in 25 IAM H: Safety and Health Handbook for Field Operations, issued (updated) 10/05/2004.

25 IAM 4-H: Motor Vehicle Safety Program Handbook

This handbook documents the procedures required to implement the Indian Affairs' (IA) Motor Vehicle Safety Program policy, 25 IAM 4.

25 IAM 5-H: Loss Compensation Program Handbook

This handbook documents the procedures required to implement the Indian Affairs' (IA) Loss Compensation Program policy, 25 IAM 5.

25 IAM 6-H: Employee Injury Compensation Program Handbook

This handbook documents the procedures required to implement the Indian Affairs’ (IA) Employee Injury Compensation Program policy, 25 IAM 6.

27 IAM 4-H: IA Debt Management Handbook

This handbook documents the procedures required to implement the IA Debt Management policy, 27 IAM 4. 

27 IAM 15-H: Assets Under Construction (AUC) Accounting Management Handbook

Provides the procedures for recording costs for IA-managed construction projects where ownership or ultimate ownership of the facility will reside with IA.

28 IAM 2-H: Attendance and Leave Handbook

This handbook has been rescinded as of 12/05/24. For updated guidance/references, please see 28 IAM 2: Attendance & Leave.

28 IAM 335-H: Indian Affairs Merit Promotion and Placement and Excepted Service Handbook

Documents the procedures required to implement the merit promotion and placement policy (28 IAM 335). This handbook is intended primarily for HR professionals but may also be useful to IA employees.

30 IAM 19-H: BIE High Risk Fiscal Oversight Handbook

This handbook documents the procedures required to implement the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) High Risk Oversight policy, 30 IAM 19. This Handbook is intended for all BIE offices and personnel who conduct and implement the coordinated High Risk Fiscal Oversight Reviews.

51 IAM 1-H: Land Titles and Records Handbook

This handbook documents the procedures required to implement the BIA Division of Land Titles and Records (DLTR) program and policies, as documented in Part 51 of the Indian Affairs Manual (IAM).

52 IAM 2-H: Standards for Indian Trust Lands Boundary Evidence Handbook

Supplements the Department Manual 303 DM 7. Provides guidance for the preparation of four certificates which document and formalize the collection and analysis of boundary evidence relating to Indian trust assets: Land Description Review Certificate, Chain of Surveys Certificate, Certificate of Inspection and Possession, and Boundary Assurance Certificate.

52 IAM 4-H: Indian Affairs Mortgage Handbook

The purpose of this handbook is to provide guidance to BIA staff for processing leasehold and trust land mortgages on trust or restricted land; specifically, how to review and analyze a mortgage loan request from a lender using a standardized process.

52 IAM 9-H: Rights-of-Way (ROW) on Indian Lands Handbook

This handbook provides guidance to Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Division of Real Estate Services (DRES) personnel (Realty staff) in preparing, reviewing, and processing a grant of right-of-way (ROW) across land(s) held in trust or restricted status by the United States of America for the beneficial use of an individual Indian trust landowner(s) and/or a federally recognized Tribe(s).

52 IAM 12-H: Fee-to-Trust Handbook

This handbook provides guidance to BIA Division of Real Estate Services personnel in preparing, reviewing, and processing fee-to-trust acquisitions of fee or restricted fee lands by the United States for the beneficial use of individual Indian trust landowners(s) or federally recognized Tribes. The corresponding IAM chapter, 52 IAM 12: Processing Fee-to-Trust Applications, provides the general authorities and responsibilities, and is the official policy for processing fee-to-trust acquisitions.

52 IAM 14-H: Business Leasing on Indian Lands Handbook

This handbook documents the procedures required to implement 52 IAM 14: Business Leases policy. Specifically, it documents the business leasing process to assist Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) management, BIA Division of Real Estate Services (DRES) staff, and support staff in providing services to Indian landowners, applicants, and the general public.

52 IAM 16-H: Excess Real Property Transfers Handbook

This handbook provides guidance to BIA Division of Real Estate Services personnel in preparing, reviewing, and processing excess real properties pursuant to the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act (FPASA), the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (ISDEAA), Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC), and through special legislation. This guide provides a step-by-step process for the acquisition, transfer, and disposal of excess land to Tribes. The corresponding IAM chapter, 52 IAM 16: Processing Excess Real Property Land Transfers, provides the general authorities and responsibilities, and is the official policy for processing excess real property land transfers.

The related forms, checklists, and templates, referenced in this handbook can be found on BIA's Online Forms website.

52 IAM X-H: Fluid Mineral Estate Procedural Handbook

Provides procedures for each action necessary to accomplish management of Fluid Mineral estate. The Fluid Mineral estate consists of the subsurface resources of Hydrocarbons (oil and natural gas, and various other gases such as hydrogen, carbon dioxide, helium, and nitrogen) and Geothermal.

This handbook is under review/to be updated. For any processing questions or inquiries, please contact your local BIA agency or regional office, or the BIA Indian Energy Service Center at

53 IAM 2-H: Forest Management Planning

Replaces 53 BIAM Supplement 2; provides information and procedures applicable to forest management planning.

53 IAM 3-H: Harvest of Forest Products Handbook

Replaces and combines relevant content from the old 53 IAM 3-H: Contract Sales of Forest Products (issued in 2004) and 53 IAM 4-H: Permit Sales of Forest Products (issued in 2005). This is the companion handbook to the policy documented in 53 IAM 3: Harvest of Forest Products.

53 IAM 4-H: Permit Sales of Forest Products

This handbook has been superseded by the updating and reissuance of 53 IAM 3-H: Harvest of Products Handbook. Any relevant content from this handbook was included as appropriate in the updated [53 IAM 3-H] handbook.

53 IAM 5-H: Forest Development

Replaces 53 BIAM Supplement 5; provides guidance on procedures and processes necessary to prepare, administer, and report on forest development projects on Indian forest lands.

53 IAM 7-H: Forest Trespass

Replaces all prior handbook versions regarding forest trespass situations on Indian trust land.

53 IAM 9-H: Silviculture

Replaces all previous versions.

53 IAM 10-H: Woodland Management

Documents the practices and procedures required to implement the Woodland Management policy (53 IAM 10); namely to manage woodland resources on Indian lands.

53 IAM 11-H: Forest Management Deductions

Replaces 53 BIAM & Timber Sale Records Handbook; provides the information, procedures, and processes to collect, monitor, and distribute forest management deductions.

54 IAM 1-H: Agricultural and Rangeland Management Handbook

Provides the standards, requirements, and procedures required to implement the Bureau of Indian Affairs’ (BIA) policy on the Agricultural and Rangeland (Ag & Range) Management program as documented in the Indian Affairs Manual (IAM); specifically 54 IAM 1: Agricultural and Rangeland Overview, and in other Part 54 policy chapters.

55 IAM-H: Safety of Dams Program Handbook

Provides operating procedures and guidance in one location in order to achieve the Safety of Dams program mission more effectively. This Handbook applies to all new and existing BIA high- and significant-hazard potential dams.

59 IAM 3-H: National Environmental Policy Act Guidebook

Provides guidance for preparing documents required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, and the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations implementing NEPA for BIA actions. This is an update to the 2005 version of the Handbook. This handbook is under review/to be updated

70 IAM 7-H: Housing Improvement Program (HIP) Handbook

This handbook documents the practices and procedures necessary to manage HIP resources on Indian lands. It applies to all IA offices and programs participating in the management, accountability, utilization, or protection of housing.

80 IAM 2-H: Indian Affairs Education Space Criteria Handbook

This handbook replaces the "Indian Affairs Educational Space Criteria Handbook," issued on 11/01/05.

90 IAM 1.4 C (2)a-H: Fuels Management Program Planning and Implementation Guide

Provides standard operating procedures and guidelines for the administration and management of the BIA Hazardous Fuels Reduction Program, and is intended as a supplement to the Interagency Prescribed Fire Planning and Implementation Procedures Reference Guide. This Handbook also supports operational guidance established in 90 IAM 1.4C (2)-H, Fuels Management.

90 IAM 5-H: Wildfire Prevention Program Handbook

Standard operating procedures and guidelines for managing and administering the BIA Wildfire Prevention Program, including prevention planning, implementation, evaluation, and reporting.

90 IAM 6-H: Wildland Fire Origin and Cause Investigation Handbook

This handbook replaces 90 IAM 1.4 C (10)-H: National Wildfire Investigations Handbook, and it documents the standards and procedures to implement the policy on wildland fire origin and cause investigations on Indian lands as documented in 90 IAM 6: Wildfire Investigation. Specifically, it addresses the complicated jurisdictional issues associated with wildfires, the investigation process as it relates to wildfire trespass, the importance of coordination with law enforcement agencies, and establishes national Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) wildfire investigation documentation requirements from the initial response through the litigation process.

Correspondence Handbook

Provides guidance to employees and managers who write, type, review or surname correspondence.

Fuels Management Program: Business Rule Handbook

This version replaces the handbook titled "90 IAM 1.4 C (7)-H: Fuels Program Business Management Handbook," issued 2/01/06. This handbook functions as a companion text to the BIA Fuels Management Handbook.

Indian Affairs Pandemic Plan

This document serves as the pandemic plan for the Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the Bureau of Indian Education. It applies to all Indian Affairs offices and employees in planning work and executing response activities. The plan is dynamic and will be updated as needed. The World Health Organization declared an end to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2023; therefore, this document is no longer applicable. If you would like to request a copy of this document, please reach out to the Office of Regulatory Affairs & Collaborative Action here:

Indian Probate Procedural Handbook

Provides the requirements and procedures for probate case preparation and processing, including estates subject to the American Indian Probate Reform Act. Please contact the Office of Trust Services' Division of Probate to request a copy of their handbook: (202) 208-5831.

Leasing and Permitting Handbook Chapter 1 - General Information

Provides general requirements for processing agricultural, residential, and business leases and permits on Indian trust lands under the jurisdiction of the BIA. This handbook is under review/to be updated.

Leasing and Permitting Handbook Chapter 2 - Agricultural

Provides general requirements for processing agricultural, residential, and business leases and permits on Indian trust lands under the jurisdiction of the BIA. This handbook is under review/to be updated.

Leasing and Permitting Handbook Chapter 3 - Residential

Provides general requirements for processing agricultural, residential, and business leases and permits on Indian trust lands under the jurisdiction of the BIA. This handbook is under review/to be updated.

Leasing and Permitting Handbook Chapter 4 - Business Exhibits

Provides general requirements for processing agricultural, residential, and business leases and permits on Indian trust lands under the jurisdiction of the BIA. This handbook is under review/to be updated.

Space Management: Request for Space Handbook

Provides guidance for the acquisition of direct leased and General Services Administration (GSA)-provided space by programs and offices within Indian Affairs.

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