The Office of Indian Gaming acts as the primary advisor to the Secretary and Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs on Indian gaming and the requirements of Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA), P.L. 100-497, and other Federal law. The Office of Indian Gaming’s duties and responsibilities include the administrative review and analysis of the statutory and regulatory requirements of IGRA and related statutes, policy development, and technical assistance to tribal and state stakeholders. The Office of Indian Gaming implements the Secretary’s responsibilities under IGRA and, as such, has a significant impact on economic development resulting from Indian gaming.
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
- Notice of Final Rulemaking 25 CFR Part 293
- Notice of Proposed Rulemaking 25 CFR Part 151
- Dear Tribal Leaders Letter, December 05, 2022
- Part 293 - Class III Tribal-State Gaming Compact Redline
- Part 293 - Class III Tribal-State Gaming Compact Draft Final
- Part 293 - Table of Authorities
- Part 293 - Consultation Draft March 28, 2022 Redline
- Federal Register Notice Class III Tribal-State Gaming Compacts
Initial Tribal Consultations on Changes to Fee-to-Trust & Gaming Compact Regulations
- Dear Tribal Leaders Letter
- 25 CFR 151 - Consultation Draft
- 25 CFR 151 - Summary of Draft Revisions
- 25 CFR 293 - Consultation Draft
- 25 CFR 293 - Summary of Draft Revisions
For additional information including session times or how to to register go to the Upcoming Tribal Consultation Sessions 2023
Mailing Address
Office of Indian Gaming
1849 C Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20240
United States