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112 Tribes are Eligible for BIA Tribal Government Development Help

Media Contact: Lovett 343-7445
For Immediate Release: April 18, 1975

Commissioner of Indian Affairs Morris Thompson announced today that 112 tribes have qualified for participation in the BIA's Tribal Government Development Program for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1975. These tribes may receive up to $50,000 under contracts for programs to strengthen and make more effective their tribal governments.

The program is designed to help the tribes with the least resources per capita to help themselves. The funds provided are to be used for training tribal officials or employees in skills needed by the tribe, the establishment of sound record keeping systems, the revision of tribal election ordinances and other projects aimed at producing better tribal governments.

"To implement the policy of Indian self-determination," Commissioner Thompson said, "we must have tribal governments capable of assuming responsibility for reservation programs. The TGDP program helps the neediest tribes achieve this capability. It has been very well received by the Indian community.

Tribes with less than 50members are not eligible for the program. About 50 tribes that applied were determined ineligible either because their service population was too small or their resources per capita too great.

It is expected that about $2.8 million will be distributed among the 112 tribes.

Editors: A listing by state of the eligible applicants and the accounts for which they qualify is enclosed.

An official website of the U.S. Department of the Interior

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