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BIA Assistant Area Director Appointed

Media Contact: Lovett 202-343-7445
For Immediate Release: March 21, 1975

Commissioner of Indian Affairs Morris Thompson announced today the appointment of Juanita Cata as Assistant Area Director (Education) for the Bureau of Indian Affairs' Albuquerque Area. She has held this position in an acting capacity since the retirement of Henry Wall.

Cata, a member of the San Juan Pueblo, has completed Ph. D. course requirements at the University of Albuquerque. She graduated from the University of New Mexico in 1961 and earned a Master's in elementary education from the same university in 1967.

As a research assistant for the University of New Mexico she was the author of three units of the Navajo Social Studies Curriculum Project, culturally based materials designed to meet the special needs of Navajo students. She also helped in producing two background books to be used at White House conferences on children and youth.

She has six years of teaching experiences in the Albuquerque Public school system and has taught courses in bilingual education and cultural awareness at the graduate level.

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