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BIA Contracts Totaling $348,800 Awarded for Reservation Roads

Media Contact: U1samer - 343-4306
For Immediate Release: July 2, 1966

The Department of the Interior's Bureau of Indian Affairs today announced the award of two road construction contracts on the Rosebud Indian Reservation in South Dakota and the Colville Indian Reservation in eastern Washington.

The $243,123 Rosebud contract calls for grading and draining approximately 7 miles of road along the Little White River. This road is the main school bus and farm-to-market route for Indian families living in the area. It also serves a well-traveled tourist route into the Little White River Valley recreational area, location of popular Ghost Hawk Park. The Park is a tribal enterprise of the Rosebud Sioux and serves thousands of campers and other vacationers every year.

Successful bidder was Brezina Construction Co., Inc., Rapid City, S. D. Seven bids were received, ranging to a high of $496,664.

A second contract of $105,680 was awarded for a road project on the Colville Indian Reservation. A crushed aggregate base and bituminous surfacing will be applied on approximately 6 miles of the Bridge Creek road, about 15 miles west of Inchelium, Wash.

Successful bidder for the Colville road project was Materne Brothers Co., Spokane, Wash. Three bids were received, ranging to a high of $197,585.

The projects are part of the Bureau's overall road construction and maintenance program on Indian reservations to aid reservation economies by providing better routes for school buses, speedier transport of Indian farm, ranch and mine products, and easier access for industrial development, including tourism.

An official website of the U.S. Department of the Interior

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