Carl Cornelius Appointed BIA Field Administrator

Media Contact: Lovett 202-343-7445
For Immediate Release: May 21, 1975

Carl J. Cornelius, a 40-year veteran with the Bureau of Indian Affairs, has been named Field Administrator for the Bureau, Commissioner of Indian Affairs Morris Thompson announced today. In his new position in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Cornelius will be responsible for administrative and management services for Bureau field units.

A member of the Oneida Indian Tribe, Cornelius has worked the past 20 years in Bureau headquarters in Washington, D. C., where he has held various high-level, policy-making positions. Since August of 1974 he has been Assistant Director, Management Service, in the Office of Administration.

Cornelius began his career with the Bureau in 1935 as a clerical assistant at the Fort Berthold Agency in North Dakota. He spent 12 years at the Consolidated Chippewa Agency in Minnesota before coming to Washington in 1954 as a trainee in an Executive Development Program.

Cornelius, who will assume his new- duties May 19, received the Bureau's Meritorious Service Award in 1974.

A native of the Green Bay, Wisconsin area, Cornelius attended Haskell Institute and, in later years, took courses in Public Administration at American University.

Cornelius, 61, is married and has two sons and two daughters. He was an infantry captain in World War II.