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Construction Contract Awarded for Job Corps Center on San Carlos Indian Reservation

Media Contact: Ulsamer - 343··2148
For Immediate Release: July 18, 1965

The award of a $397,375 contract for the construction of a 200-man Job Corps Conservation Center on the San Carlos Indian Reservation in Arizona was announced today by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. It will be one of nine such centers to be operated on Indian reservations as part of the massive program of job training and education for unemployed youth being conducted under the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964.

Successful bidder for the San Carlos project is Building Mart, Inc. of Phoenix. Five higher bids, ranging from $397,500 to $475,350, were also received. The contract calls for building of barracks, kitchen, mess hall complex, educational-recreation complex, commissary, infirmary, staff bachelor quarters, warehouse and maintenance shops.

Total costs for completion of all necessary construction at the San Carlos Center are estimated to be in excess of $600,000. Contracts have already been let for construction of housing for some of the 36 members of the Center staff.

Other Job Corps Centers on reservations, for which construction is also planned, are as follows:

Mexican Springs, N. Mex. (Navajo); Chippewa Ranch, Minn. (White Earth Reservation); Kicking Horse, Mont. (Flathead); Neah Bay, Wash. (Makah); Eight Canyon, N. Mex. (Mescalero Apache); and Poston, Ariz. (Colorado River Reservation).

An official website of the U.S. Department of the Interior

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