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Doyce L. Waldrip Named Assistant Area Director of Portland Area Office BIA

Media Contact: Ayres 202-343-7435
For Immediate Release: June 1, 1971

Doyee L. Waldrip, 47, Superintendent, Warm Springs Agency, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Warm Springs, Ore, will become assistant area director for administration of the Portland Area office of the Bureau June 27, Commissioner of Indian Affairs Louis R. Bruce announced today. He will replace James E. Sayers, who was retired.

Said the Commissioners in announcing the appointment. "The new Assistant Area Director of the Portland Area Office has demonstrated executive and managerial capabilities and personal characteristics essential to progressive and responsive administration leadership.”

Waldrip served as Superintendent of the Warm Springs Agency beginning in 1965· Prior to that he was Superintendent of the Seminole Agency of Florida.

He was graduated from West Texas State University with a degree in science and agriculture in 1950, and began his career with the Bureau of Indian Affairs as a teacher in the Cherry Creek Day School, Cheyenne River Indian Reservation, South Dakota. He moved from there to the Cheyenne River Boarding School on the same reservation. He has served as field representative and as administrative officer for the Fort Totten agency, North Dakota, and as administrative officer for the Seminole agency.

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