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First State Grants-in-Aid Apportionment Under Land and Water Conservation Fund Act

Media Contact: Guyon - 343-5767
For Immediate Release: June 4, 1965

Allocations of nearly $10 million in recreation grants-in-aid for which States and territories may apply under the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act were announced today by Secretary of the Interior Stewart L. Udall.

The grants-in-aid allocations are the first announced under the new Act. To take advantage of the allocations, States or territories must match them in equal amounts. The money can be used for planning, acquiring, and developing outdoor recreation areas and facilities for public use.

The Land and Water Conservation Fund derives its revenues from sale of the new $7 Federal Recreation/Conservation Sticker, other Federal outdoor recreation fees, the Federal motorboat fuels tax, and proceeds from the sale of Federal surplus real property.

"These grants-in-aid mark an important day in the annals of conservation," Secretary Udall declared. "Money which Congress has appropriated for this purpose will help the Nation meet its increasing demands for outdoor recreation opportunities.”

Apportionments from the Fund to the States and territories is based on 40 percent of the amount available being divided equally among the States and the rest on population, Federal resources and programs, and other factors.

Under the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act; States may request money for comprehensive outdoor recreation planning needed to qualify for. acquisition and development grants. After such plans have been accepted, States must submit proposals for individual projects before grants-in-aid are actually made for the acquisition and development.

Allocations announced by Secretary Udall today are from $16,000,000 appropriated by the Congress for the fiscal year which ends June 30, 1965. Of this amount, $10,375,000 is available for State recreation purposes, the remainder for Federal purposes.

Approximately one million dollars of the Land and Water Conservation Fund has been retained by the Department of the Interior as a State contingency reserve.

The allocations will remain available to the States for qualifying projects through June 30, 1967. The President's 1966 budget requests appropriations of $75 million from the Land and Water Conservation Fund for State outdoor recreation projects. Congress has not completed action on that request.

The money available currently has been apportioned among the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and the territories of the United States, as follows:

Alabama $167,256 Maine $110,366 Pennsylvania $391,206
Alaska 92,744 Maryland 174,509 Rhode Island 108,950
Arizona 131,045 Massachusetts 233,710 South Carolina 142,290
Arkansas 126,190 Michigan 303,662 South Dakota 110,390
California 528,346 Minnesota 183,119 Tennessee 169,421
Colorado 139,657 Mississippi 130,517 Texas 388,162
Connecticut 158,972 Missouri 201,423 Utah 113,825
Delaware 95,784 Montana 117,070 Vermont 92,687
Florida 227,005 Nebraska 129,580 Virginia 182,094
Georgia 176,581 Nevada 96,341 Washington 159,786
Hawaii 102,698 New Hampshire 97,463 West Virginia 123,049
Idaho 102,069 New Jersey 276,128 Wisconsin 194,669
Illinois 378,725 New Mexico 121,097 Wyoming 103,065
Indiana 210,277 New York 601,610 District of Columbia 24,798
Iowa 157,868 North Carolina 183,264 Puerto Rico 59,181
Kansas 144,709 North Dakota 107,267 Virgin Islands 786
Kentucky 146,422 Ohio 357,056 Guam 1,476
Louisiana 177,705 Oklahoma 147,345 American Samoa 526
Oregon 135,559

An official website of the U.S. Department of the Interior

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