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Fund Distribution Plans for Western Washington Indians Being Published

Media Contact: Lovett 202-343-7445
For Immediate Release: April 15, 1975

Distribution plans for judgment funds awarded to three western Washington Indian tribal groups are being published in the Federal Register. The awards, made by the Indian Claims Commission, are for additional compensation for land taken as a result of the point Elliot Treaty of 1885.

The tribes involved are the Lummi, Lower Skagit, and Kikiallus.

The Lower Skagits and the Kikiallus have ceased to exist as identifiable tribal entities so their awards will be distributed on a per capita basis among lineal descendants of the tribes as they existed in 1859. The Secretary of the Interior will publish enrollment procedures for sharing in these awards. Skagit ancestors accepted as proof of Upper Skagit descent for inclusion in that judgment roll will not be accepted as proof of Lower Skagit ancestry.

The award for the Lower Skagit Tribe is about $75,000 and that for the Kikiallus approximately $6,000.

The Lummi Tribe, with headquarters at Marietta, Washington, were awarded $57,000. These funds will be held and invested by the Secretary of the Interior until a further plan for the use and distribution of the funds is approved by Congress.

All three of the plans have been approved by Congress. The effective date for the Lower Skagit and Kikiallus plans is February 18; for the Lummi plan it is March 3.

The per capita distribution to the Lower Skagit and Kikiallus descendants will be made after the completion of the rolls.

An official website of the U.S. Department of the Interior

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