Applications for grant funds for Indian tribes and organizations to use in the establishment and operation of Indian child and family service programs are now being accepted, Interior Assistant Secretary Forrest Gerard announced today.
A notice published in the Federal Register sets January 18, 1980, as the deadline for this initial application period. The grants are authorized under Title II of the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 95-608). Additional periods for the receipt of grant applications be announced later if funds remain available after the first grant application period.
The Assistant Secretary said that the grant fund distribution formula, designed to provide a proportionately equitable share of available funds to all approved applicants, is also being published in the Federal Register.
Application materials and related information may be obtained from Bureau of Indian Affairs Area Offices.
Applications for this initial application period will be accepted in anticipation of appropriated funds for Title II purposes. All grant application approvals will be subject to availability of funds.