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Northern Paiute Enrollment Regulations Published

Media Contact: Lovett 202-343-7445
For Immediate Release: April 9, 1975

Regulations governing the preparation of the membership roll for the per capita distribution of more than $20 million awarded to Northern Paiute Indians by the Indian Claims Commission (Docket 87) are being published in the Federal Register, Commissioner of Indian Affairs Morris Thompson announced today.

The proposed regulations state that all persons who meet the following requirements shall be entitled to be enrolled to share in the distribution of the fund:

1) Persons who were born on or prior to and living on October 10, 1974;

2) Who are lineal descendants of Northern Paiute Indians and;

3) Whose name or whose lineal ancestor's name appears on any available census roll or other record or evidence acceptable to the Secretary of the Interior, and who is identified as being of Northern Paiute ancestry.

Some specified persons, however, have been excluded from eligibility for enrollment. They are any person who has shared in the awards granted by the Indian Claims Commission in Dockets 88, 330, and 330-A to the Southern Pauite Indian Nation; or in Dockets 31, 37, 80, 80-D, 176, 215, 333, and 347 to "Certain Indians of California; or in Dockets 351 and 351-A to the Chemehuevis; or in Docket 17 to the Malheur Paiutes; or whose Indian ancestry is derived solely from the Walpapi Paiutes; Yahooskin Snakes, Bannocks, or Western Monos; or is a member of the Quechan Tribe or of the Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California.

Enrollment application forms can be obtained from the Superintendent of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Western Nevada Agency, Stewart, Nevada 89437. The applications must be filed with the Superintendent of that Agency and received not later than close of business on October 13, 1975.

An official website of the U.S. Department of the Interior

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