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Power Discount Proposed as Aid to Juvenile Delinquency Program on Colorado River Indian Reservation

Media Contact: Tozier - Int. 4306 | Information Service
For Immediate Release: August 26, 1956

To help the Colorado River Indian tribes of western Arizona in a fight against juvenile delinquency, the Bureau of Indian Affairs is proposing to give the Indians a 10 percent discount in power rates for lighting a tribal recreation area, Acting Commissioner w. Barton Greenwood announced today,

"The Indians of the Colorado River Reservation,” Mr. Greenwood explained, “have already spent about $18,000 in developing this recreation area to provide their young people with a wholesome and health-building outlet for their energies. We believe the tribal leaders should be commended for this action and given tangible assistance in every feasible way."

Electricity for the Colorado River Reservation is furnished by the power distribution system of the Bureau's Colorado River Irrigation Project. The discount proposed, Mr. Greenwood added, will not seriously affect the economical operation of the project but should contribute in an important way to the success of the tribal recreation program.

Notice of the proposed discount was published in the Federal Register August 24. All interested persons are given 30 days from that date to submit views, data and arguments to the Area Director, Phoenix Area Office, P, O. Box 7007, Phoenix, Arizona.

The discount proposed would be limited to a maximum of $25 in any one month.

An official website of the U.S. Department of the Interior

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