The White House Council on Native American Affairs, the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Indian Affairs Office of Justice Services Tribal Justice Support, the Administration for Native Americans at the Department of Health and Human services, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture welcome your participation in the Path to Healing Wellness Conference.
Restoring the Path of Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts is an effort to address community safety through healing and wellness options rather than incarceration. This conference offers a unique opportunity to observe actual court proceedings, engage with court staff, and hear from program participants who have successfully navigated their path toward recovery.
Format: In-person and Virtual attendance options
Topics will include:
• The Workings of Multi-Disciplinary Teams
• Mock Team Meeting Session
• Mock Court Session
• Tribal Success Stories
• Funding Sources and Collaboration
Hosted by Penobscot and Passamaquody in collaboration with the five Tribes of Maine, funded by Tribal Justice Support.