You should follow these guidelines when creating a page with information about person connected to the Bureau of Indian Affairs such as a public official.
Field Information
- Legal Name: Write the person’s legal name in this format: first name + middle initial + last name
- Content Owner: Use the drop-down menu to select the office that will manage this page
- JobTitle: Write the official title for the person
- Organization: List the specific organization that the person is in part of
- Bio:
- BioPicture: Add or upload an image of the person, ideally a "portrait" or "headshot" photo
- Biography: Add both a summary and full-text version of the person’s biographical information
- Summary: Enter a short description of the duties of the person's position
- Long Text: Enter all the person's complete biography, which will often include information about their achievements, experiences, and education
- Contact Us:
- Office Name: List office name relevant to the contact
- Address: List the mailing address associated with the contact person
- City: List the city of the person’s mailing address
- State: List the state of the person’s mailing address
- Zip: List the zip code of the person’s mailing address
- Phone: List the office contact number associated with the contact person
- Phone Call Hours: List the hours of availability for calls for the person
- Fax: List the fax number of the contact person
- Email: List the email address of the contact person
Additional Information
Related Pages
Contact Us
Washington, DC 20240