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News - Fuels Management


2022 3D color LiDAR capture of a tree stand provided by Northwest Management, Inc.
The Hualapai (People of the Tall Pine) Tribe is in northwest Arizona with a land base that encompasses over a million acres. The land has four primary fuel types: timber – Ponderosa Pine, woodland – Pinyon and Juniper, grassland – sage, and riparian – Cottonwood and Salt Cedar. In FY2022, $1,898,187 of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) funding, amounting to approximately $1.85 per acre, was granted to the Tribe for a 5-year project called Jump Start. The project is using Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technology to capture 3D imagery of the Tribe’s vegetation, infrastructure, watersheds, and overall land to help the Tribe with numerous current and future land management and use projects. Date:
American Bison graze in newly restored grasslands on The Prairie Band Potawatomi Indian Reservation.
In support of the Department’s efforts to restore the American Bison species and integrate Indigenous Knowledge into our shared stewardship goals, BIA Division of Wildland Fire management will continue its work to replenish natural grasslands and shelter to support bison populations. Date:
2019 Fort Apache fuels employees create a fuel break on Frog Mountain to prevent wildfire.
Beginning September 2022, the BIA’s Western Region will be participating in the implementation of fuels treatments on the Santa Catalina Ranger District of the Coronado National Forest (CNF) over a three-year period. Date:

An official website of the U.S. Department of the Interior

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