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Office of Public Affairs

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Constructing new schools with state-of-the-art technology and cultural values

Media Contact:
For Immediate Release: September 25, 2018

WASHINGTON – Today, Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Tara Mac Lean Sweeney announced the Blackwater Community School, located within the Gila River Indian Community in Coolidge, Ariz., will receive $30.1 million dollars, and the Quileute Tribe will receive $44.1 million dollars for the Quileute Tribal School located on Quileute reservation in La Push, Wash., to award design-build contracts for new school buildings. In 2016, Indian Affairs selected both schools as two of 10 schools for replacement through the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) replacement school construction process.

The Blackwater Community School has elected to manage the project using a design-build contract for their new school through a Public Law 100-297 Grant and the Quileute Tribe has elected to manage the project using a design-build contract for their new school through a Public Law 93-638 Self-Determination Contract.

“Today is a great day for Native education at Indian Affairs,” said Assistant Secretary Tara Sweeney. “I am excited for the next phase of this process to initiate for these schools. I appreciate everyone involved with these projects from Indian Affairs, Bureau of Indian Education, the schools, and tribal communities for their dedication to take these schools from an idea to the world-class buildings that they will become.”

The Division of Facilities Management and Construction for Indian Affairs (DFMC) will provide oversight verification throughout the project and will be available to provide technical support to the Blackwater Community School and the Quileute Tribe. The replacement project for Quileute Tribal School authorizes a new 60,950 GSF campus supporting a projected K-12 grade enrollment of 79 students. The replacement project for the Blackwater Community School authorizes a new 88,547 GSF campus supporting a projected K-5 grade enrollment of 409 students.

“Our team at Indian Affair is proud to be a part of the process of building the modern infrastructures that reflect cultural values and tribal community input for student learning,” Director of the Office of Facilities, Property and Safety Management for Indian Affairs Darrell LaRoche said. “We’re thrilled that the new schools will be considered state of the art with their internet capabilities and classroom smart boards. With community involvement during the design process, the classrooms are tailored to support cultural specific teaching for the students.”

“A school’s environment is as important as the lessons taught in the classroom,” Bureau of Indian Education Director Tony Dearman said. “We are proud to work with Indian Affairs to build a new school where we can deliver excellent in-classroom instruction on the first day it opens its doors.”

Quileute Tribal School was the second 2016 NCLB School to complete the planning phase and first to complete a preliminary 20% design. To ensure compliance with Washington State requirements and enhanced community involvement this project provides a Language/Cultural Lab, permanent stage space, and a wood carpentry vocational shop. This project will be fully compliant with Washington Sustainable Schools Protocol and the Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings. The current school facility is located in a designated tsunami zone near the ocean. The new school site is located at elevation safely outside the tsunami zone.

The Blackwater Community School is the third NCLB School to completed planning. To ensure compliance with Arizona State and Gila River Tribal requirements and enhanced community involvement this project provides a Language/Cultural Lab, Science Lab/Traditional Farming and Gardening classroom, Art Program Classroom and a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Classroom. This project will be fully compliant with Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Protocol and the Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings.

The Laguna Elementary School received the first award of $26.2 million to award a design-build contract on May 2, 2018. Within the next few weeks, Dzilth-Na-O-Dith-Hle Community School in Bloomfield, N.M. will begin the preliminary design stage and will be the fourth school to be funded. The remaining six schools are expected to complete the planning phase by the end of 2018.

The Assistant Secretary–Indian Affairs advises the Secretary of the Interior on Indian Affairs policy issues, communicates policy to and oversee the programs of the BIA and the BIE, provides leadership in consultations with tribes, and serves as the DOI official for intra- and inter- departmental coordination and liaison within the Executive Branch on Indian matters.

The Office of Facilities, Property and Safety Management for Indian Affairs is responsible for policy, oversight, and technical assistance for facilities management, facilities construction, asset management, safety management, property management, and real property leasing for all of Indian Affairs, including Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and Bureau of Indian Education (BIE). These responsibilities are carried out through the Division of Facilities Management and Construction, Division of Safety and Risk Management, Division of Property Management, and the Real Property Leasing Program.

The Bureau of Indian Education implements federal Indian education programs and funds 183 elementary and secondary day and boarding schools (of which two-thirds are tribally operated) located on 64 reservations in 23 states and peripheral dormitories serving over 47,000 individual students. The BIE also operates two post-secondary schools and administers grants for 29 tribally controlled colleges and universities and two tribal technical colleges.


UPDATED: The original version of this press release misstated that Dzilth-Na-O-Dith-Hle Community School is located in Bloomington, NM. We have since corrected the mistake. Dzilth-Na-O-Dith-Hle Community School is located in Bloomfield, NM.
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Unique intra-agency effort will include a comprehensive analysis of oil & gas leasing and management on public and tribal lands in sensitive areas adjacent to Chaco Canyon

Media Contact:
For Immediate Release: October 20, 2016

WASHINGTON -- To address concerns regarding mineral leasing and development activity adjacent to Chaco Culture National Historical Park, Deputy Secretary of the Interior Michael L. Connor today announced the U.S. Department of the Interior will expand the resource management planning effort underway in the Farmington, New Mexico area.

For the first time, the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Farmington Field Office and the Bureau of Indian Affairs’ (BIA) Navajo Regional Office will jointly conduct an expanded analysis of management in the area that covers both public and tribal lands.

“Today's announcement is an important step forward toward addressing the longstanding concerns surrounding oil and gas development around Chaco Canyon,” said Deputy Secretary Connor. “I heard these concerns firsthand when I visited Chaco last summer to participate in a public listening session with Senator Udall. BIA's decision to join BLM's planning effort as a co-lead reflects the complex land tenure around the park and demonstrates the Department's commitment to ensuring that the region's rich cultural and archaeological resources are protected.”

The BLM initiated a process to update its Resource Management Plan for the area – which guides development activities on public lands there – in 2014. In support of expanding the planning effort to include tribal lands in the area, the BLM and the BIA are seeking public comments to identify issues and concerns related to including BIA-managed mineral leasing and associated activities in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) which is being prepared as part of the Resource Management Plan Amendment (RMP) Amendment. This expanded effort will look at the whole planning area, and will include mineral leasing and development activity around Chaco Culture National Historic Park.

The joint effort also reflects the Department of the Interior’s emphasis on working with Native American leaders to provide expanded opportunities for integrating traditional knowledge and expertise in the management of public lands that have a special historical, cultural or geographic connection with indigenous communities.

In June of 2015, Deputy Secretary Connor and Senator Tom Udall toured the Chaco Canyon area to see the sensitive archeological site and view the area beyond the park where drilling is proposed. After the visit to Chaco, Connor and Udall held meetings with interested stakeholders.

A Notice of Intent to prepare the RMP Amendment and conduct an EIS will be published in the Federal Register on October 21, 2016, which will formally open a 60-day public scoping period ending on December 20, 2016. The information gathered during this new scoping process will be added to the information already gathered as part of the BLM’s prior scoping process for the EIS.

As part of the scoping process, the BLM and the BIA will be hosting public scoping meetings at the following locations, dates, and times:

Location Date Time

Shiprock Chapter House
Hwy 64, Mile Post 23,Building 5548
Shiprock, NM 87420(Tentative)

November 10 (Tentative)

9:00am-1:00pm (Tentative)

Huerfano Chapter House
P.O. Box 968
Bloomfield, NM 87413

November 10


Counselor Chapter House
P.O. Box 209
Counselor, NM 87018

November 12


Nageezi Chapter House
P.O. Box 100
Nageezi, NM 87037

November 12


Ojo Encino Chapter House
13 Miles Southwest of Hwy 197
Ojo Encino, Cuba, NM 87913

November 14


Whitehorse Lake Chapter House
HCR-79, Box 1500
Cuba, NM 87013

November 15


Navajo Technical University
Lowerpoint Road State Hwy 371
Crownpoint, NM 87313

November 17


Navajo Nation Museum
Highway 264 and Loop Road
Window Rock, AZ 86515

December 2


The BLM and BIA are asking that input be received within the 60-day scoping period, ending December 20, 2016, or 15 days after the last meeting, whichever is later.

Input may be submitted by mail to BLM Farmington Field Office, Attention: Mark Ames, Project Manager, 6251 North College Blvd., Suite A, Farmington, New Mexico 87402; by email to, or by fax to 505-564-7608.

For the BIA, please contact Harrilene Yazzie, BIA Regional National Environmental Policy Act Coordinator at 505-863-8287, P.O. Box 1060, Gallup, New Mexico 87301, or

Additional information is available online at FARMINGTON RMP: MANCOS-GALLUP AMENDMENT.
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Media Contact: Nedra Darling, OPA-IA Phone: 202-219-4152
For Immediate Release: January 19, 2017

WASHINGTON – As part of President Obama’s Generation Indigenous (“Gen-I”) initiative to remove barriers to success for Native American youth, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs Lawrence S. Roberts today announced that the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) joined with their federal partners last month to launch the Culture and Meth Don’t Mix program, a multi-agency methamphetamine (“meth”) prevention initiative for Native youth.

The program is the result of collaboration under the Gen-I initiative between the White House Council on Native American Affairs, which is chaired by Interior Secretary Sally Jewell, the BIA’s Office of Justice Services, BIE, and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Its aim is to be a culturally appropriate approach for meth prevention among Native American youth through community and interagency involvement. The program also reflects the Interior Department’s intent to uphold the United States’ trust responsibility to the federally recognized tribes.

“Through the Generation Indigenous initiative, the Obama Administration has sought to utilize federal resources across the board to address the issues that can prevent Native youth from fulfilling their potential,” Roberts said. “The Culture and Meth Don’t Mix program’s goal is to strengthen meth prevention in tribal communities through the combined efforts of the BIA’s Office of Justice Services, BIE schools, and SAMHSA. I want to thank SAMHSA for working with us to help tribes with protecting their children and youth, and tribal leaders for participating in this important effort.”

The program was initially rolled out in December 2016 with Indian Affairs, BIA and BIE officials and leaders from seven tribes: The Lower Brule Sioux Tribe and Oglala Sioux Tribe in South Dakota, the White Earth Band of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, the Northern Cheyenne Tribe in Montana, and the Penobscot Nation and the Passamaquoddy Tribe’s Pleasant Point and Indian Township communities in Maine.

The program also includes a speaker series to be held in selected BIE schools that will discuss the implications and health issues involved with methamphetamine use. Speakers will include BIA law enforcement officials who will explain the legal implications of meth use, a SAMHSA-recommended health professional to describe how meth affects personal health, and a representative from the tribal community to address meth’s impact on it culture and people.

The Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs supports the Secretary of the Interior in carrying out the Department’s responsibilities to the federally recognized tribes through BIA and BIE programs and services. The BIA’s mission includes maintaining and improving public safety and justice in tribal communities through the Office of Justice Services. Visit Office of Justice Services for more information on OJS’s mission and programs.

The BIE implements federal Indian education programs and funds 183 elementary and secondary day and boarding schools (of which two-thirds are tribally operated) located on 64 reservations in 23 states and peripheral dormitories serving over 40,000 students. The BIE also operates two post-secondary schools, and administers grants for 28 tribally controlled colleges and universities and two tribal technical colleges, and provides higher education scholarships to Native youth. For more information, visit

SAMHSA is the agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation. SAMHSA’s mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America’s communities. For more information on SAMHSA’s tribal affairs efforts, visit

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Students are attending George Washington University's INSPIRE Pre-College Program

Media Contact: Nedra Darling, OPA-IA Phone: 202-219-4152
For Immediate Release: July 11, 2018

WASHINGTON – Yesterday, U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke and Principal Deputy Secretary for Indian Affairs John Tahsuda met with a group of high school students from across Indian Country. The students are in Washington, D.C., with George Washington University's INSPIRE Pre-College Program which is an abridged version of the school's Native American Political Leadership Program, a semester-long internship program for college and graduate students.

“It was great to meet the next generation of leaders for Indian Country and our nation as a whole,” said Secretary Zinke. “These kids are the brightest of the bright. I look forward to seeing one of them sitting at the Secretary’s desk one day.”

The students visited with the Secretary for about half an hour. They candidly asked questions about important issues relating to the Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations, increasing access to higher education, and cutting red tape. One young man shared that he had family at the Fort Peck Reservation where Secretary Zinke is an adopted member, and that he had heard stories of Secretary Zinke from back home.

Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs John Tahsuda met in a separate meeting with the INSPIRE students. He enjoyed their insightful questions and the open discussion.

“It is important for aspiring students to find support when they pursue their interests. I am honored to take part in their education,” said Tahsuda. “I am made hopeful for the future of public service, especially in Indian Affairs, when young minds take such an interest in the field as a career. Young Native leaders who embark on the path to higher education and dedicated public service in Indian Country inspires us all.”

The students in the program identified themselves as members of the following Tribes: Menominee Indian Tribe, The Navajo Nation, Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians, Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, Hopi Tribe, Nez Perce Tribe, Eastern Band of Cherokee, Seminole Nation, and Athabascan.

For Immediate Release: July 11, 2018
Secretary Zinke answers questions from INSPIRE Pre-College Students Secretary Zinke, PDAS Tahsuda, and 10 high school students in the INSPIRE Pre-College Program
BIA Logo Indian Affairs - Office of Public Affairs
Media Contact: Nedra Darling, OPA-IA Phone: 202-219-4152
For Immediate Release: April 17, 2014

Live Stream
Sally Jewell, Secretary of the Interior
2014 SIPI Commencement Address
Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute (SIPI)
Albuquerque, NM
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Live Stream begins at 10 a.m. (MST)
BIA Logo Indian Affairs - Office of Public Affairs

Twenty-three tribes now can approve and manage surface leases on tribal lands, exercising self-determination and tribal governance within their homelands

Media Contact: Nedra Darling, OPA-IA Phone: 202-219-4152
For Immediate Release: January 5, 2016

WASHINGTON – In keeping with President Obama’s commitment to tribal self-governance and strengthening tribal economies, acting Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs Lawrence S. Roberts today announced that Ohkay Owingeh now has the sovereign authority to lease tribal lands consistent with the Helping Expedite and Advance Responsible Tribal Homeownership (or HEARTH) Act. Roberts was joined by Ohkay Owingeh Governor Earl N. Salazar and United States Senator Martin Heinrich at a signing ceremony approving the tribe’s leasing regulations that took place yesterday at the Pueblo in New Mexico.

“I congratulate Governor Salazar and the Ohkay Owingeh council for their leadership in using the HEARTH Act to end the paternalistic policy of federal approval of tribal leasing decisions,” acting Assistant Secretary Roberts said. “Ohkay Owingeh joins a growing number of tribes that are exercising sovereignty over the leasing of their lands to promote the health, welfare and prosperity of their people. By this action, decision making over the use of tribal land is now squarely in the hands of the tribal government. I am very pleased that Ohkay Owingeh has exercised this power to use its own judgment for its own lands.”

“We are now able to establish and carry out these laws. As an entrepreneurial tribe, we look forward to working with local businesses,” Governor Salazar said. “It all comes back to sovereignty and, finally, we have control over our land to help support our people.”

"I’m honored to join the people of Ohkay Owingeh to mark this milestone in strengthening self-determination and tribal sovereignty, and open doors to more jobs and economic development in Indian Country,” Senator Heinrich said. “The last thing the federal government should do is stand in the way of a family who wants to buy a home. This agreement through the HEARTH Act will make it easier for Native families to buy houses and open businesses in the communities where their families have lived for generations.”

The acting Assistant Secretary’s action confirms that federal approval is no longer necessary for Ohkay Owingeh, a federally recognized tribe in north central New Mexico, to enter into surface land leases. The Pueblo will exercise authority over leases for agricultural, business, cultural, educational, residential, wind and solar power, and other authorized purposes.

The HEARTH Act creates a voluntary, alternative land leasing process available to federally recognized tribes once their governing leasing regulations have been approved by the Secretary of the Interior. Tribes with approved regulations are authorized to negotiate and enter into surface leases without further approvals by the Secretary. The Act authorizes tribes to execute agricultural and business leases of tribal trust lands for a primary term of 25 years and up to two renewal terms of 25 years each. Leases of tribal trust lands for residential, recreational, religious or educational purposes may be executed for a primary term of up to 75 years.

The HEARTH Act eliminates the paternalistic approval process codified in federal law and recognizes the authority of federally recognized tribes to develop and implement their own laws governing the long-term leasing of their trust lands for residential, business, renewable energy, and other purposes. Tribes that use the HEARTH Act procedure eliminate the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) approval process for surface land leases, thereby greatly expediting tribal leasing for homes, businesses and other purposes in Indian Country.

The principles supporting the federal preemption of state law in the field of Indian leasing and the taxation of lease-related interests and activities apply with equal force to leases issued by tribes that have utilized the HEARTH Act.

In accordance with federal law and the Department’s regulations governing the surface leasing of trust and restricted Indian lands, tribal leases are subject to tribal, not state and local, taxation.

The HEARTH Act was intended to promote tribal sovereignty by empowering tribal governments to adapt lease terms that suit their business and cultural needs and to promote approval of leases quickly and efficiently. Therefore, the assessment of state and local taxes would obstruct the federal policies of supporting tribal economic development and self-determination. Such taxation would also threaten tribal interests in effective tribal government, economic self-sufficiency and territorial autonomy.

With the acting Assistant Secretary’s action today, 23 federally recognized tribes now have utilized the HEARTH Act:

  • Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria, Calif. (Business)
  • Pueblo of Sandia, N.M. (Business)
  • Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians, Mich. (Residential)
  • Ak-Chin Indian Community, Ariz. (Business)
  • Santa Rosa Band of Cahuilla Indians, Calif. (Business)
  • Citizen Potawatomi Nation, Okla. (Business)
  • Ewiiaapaayp Band of Kumeyaay Indians, Calif. (Business)
  • Kaw Nation, Okla. (Business)
  • Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe, Washington State (Business)
  • Dry Creek Rancheria Band of Pomo Indians, Calif. (Business)
  • Wichita and Affiliated Tribes, Okla. (Business)
  • Mohegan Tribe of Indians of Connecticut (Business)
  • Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, Calif. (Business)
  • Seminole Tribe of Florida (Individual Business and Residential Ordinances)
  • Cowlitz Indian Tribe, Washington State (Business)
  • Oneida Indian Nation, N.Y. (Business)
  • Ho-Chunk Nation of Wisconsin (Business, Residential and Agricultural Codes)
  • Absentee-Shawnee Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma (Business)
  • Rincon Band of Luiseno Mission Indians, Calif. (Business)
  • Makah Indian Tribe, Wash. (Residential, Business, Renewable Energy)
  • Squaxin Island Tribe, Wash. (Business)
  • Gila River Indian Community, Ariz. (Business and Solar)

Under the leadership of Senator Heinrich, Congress passed the HEARTH Act with overwhelming bipartisan support. It was signed by President Obama on July 30, 2012.

The Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs oversees the BIA, which is headed by a director who is responsible for managing day-to-day operations through four offices – Indian Services, Justice Services, Trust Services, and Field Operations. These offices directly administer or fund tribally based infrastructure, law enforcement, social services, tribal governance, natural and energy resources, and trust land and resources management programs for the nation’s federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native tribes through 12 regional offices and 81 agencies. The BIA’s Office of Trust Services administers the HEARTH Act leasing approval process.
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Media Contact: NCAI: // DOI: Nedra Darling, 202-219-4152
For Immediate Release: May 25, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. | U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke is confirmed to attend the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) 2017 Mid Year Conference & Marketplace (Mid Year) at Mohegan Sun in Uncasville, Connecticut held from Monday, June 12 to Thursday, June 15, 2017.

“We are looking forward to hosting Secretary Zinke during NCAI Mid Year,” said NCAI President Brian Cladoosby. “This year’s theme ‘Sovereign Infrastructure: Building our Communities through our Values’ is an important conversation we will continue to build upon with the Department of the Interior and the Administration in the years to come.”

“It is a great honor to accept the invitation to speak at NCAI’s Mid Year Conference,” said Secretary Ryan Zinke. “This will give tribal leaders and I an opportunity to discuss ways to empower the front lines of tribal communities. I am a supporter of building a stronger government-to-government relationship that will reaffirm tribal sovereignty, self-determination and self-governance in Indian Country.”

As the fifty-second U.S. Secretary of the Interior, Zinke leads more than 70,000 employees who supervise 20 percent of the nation’s lands, including national parks, monuments, wildlife refuges and other public lands. The Department of the Interior (DOI) oversees the responsible development of conventional and renewable energy supplies on public lands and waters; is the largest supplier and manager of water in the 17 Western states; and upholds trust responsibilities to the 567 federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native tribes.

Prior to his position as DOI Secretary, Zinke represented the state of Montana in the U.S. House of Representatives from 2014 to 2016, and in the Montana State Senate from 2009 to 2011.Secretary Zinke is a fifth-generation Montanan and former U.S. Navy SEAL Commander, in which he spent 23 years as a U.S. Navy SEAL officer.

Pre-register today for press credentialing using our form here:

On-site press credentialing takes place on Tuesday, June 13, 2017 and Wednesday, June 14, 2017 from 7:30 AM EST – 5:00 PM EST. Credentialed press will have access to all plenary sessions, as well as those sessions noted for press access on the agenda.

Please note all press are required to wear press badges at all times and are asked to please announce yourself to the moderator of each session you plan on attending.

For additional information, please view NCAI’s 2017 Mid Year Draft Agenda here or contact NCAI Communications Associate Erin Weldon with any questions at


About The National Congress of American Indians:
Founded in 1944, the National Congress of American Indians is the oldest, largest and most representative American Indian and Alaska Native organization in the country. NCAI advocates on behalf of tribal governments and communities, promoting strong tribal-federal government-to-government policies, and promoting a better understanding among the general public regarding American Indian and Alaska Native governments, people and rights. For more information, visit
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Media Contact:
For Immediate Release: October 18, 2017

Alaska Daily News: "The White House announced the pick Monday. The reaction on Tuesday bordered on ecstatic"

Alaska Dispatch News: Alaska Native leaders say Tara Sweeney is well suited for Trump’s top Indian affairs job. “Sweeney is tough and smart with the political savvy and instincts to negotiate bureaucracy, said Gloria O'Neill, who has long worked with Sweeney on boards and projects.”

KTUU-Alaska: Steady praise for the Alaskan chosen by President Trump for top Indian Affairs job. “Alaskan politicians commented on the nomination following the news, which was announced late Monday afternoon. The nomination was met with near-universal approval from the Alaskan lawmakers.”

Alaska Public Media: Applause sounds for Alaskan selected for Indian Affairs post at Interior. “Her nomination has Alaska’s U.S. senators literally cheering. Sen. Lisa Murkowski: ‘What a fabulous, fabulous nomination.’ Sen. Dan Sullivan: ‘Historic. Super-well qualified.’”

Indianz: National Congress of American Indians looks forward to Tara Sweeney confirmation. “The Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs is charged with the federal responsibility to protect tribal sovereignty, treaty rights, and the trust relationship,” NCAI President Brian Cladoosby said on Tuesday. “This nomination is an important step by the administration, and we look forward a swift confirmation by the United States Senate...We appreciate the administration’s commitment to efficiently staffing important positions within governmental departments directly affecting Indian Country, and we look forward to hearing from Ms. Sweeney about her goals and plans for working with tribal leaders to ensure the government-to-government relationship is upheld.”


Senator Lisa Murkowski said Sweeney has her full support: “Tara has a very strong record of professionalism and accomplishment in Alaska, across the country, and internationally, especially with the indigenous people of the circumpolar north. She has significant experience on Arctic issues and chaired the Arctic Economic Council. She is an expert on energy, infrastructure, broadband, economic development, Native self-determination, and a wide range of policy issues that will come before her. Secretary Zinke could not have chosen a better leader to help him fulfill the federal government’s trust responsibility, and I know Tara has the heart and drive to excel in this position.”

Congressman Don Young said Sweeney was an outstanding choice: “Tara’s knowledge, experience and leadership will go a long way in straightening out the BIA, allowing it to run more efficiently for the good of all First Americans. She has extensive experience not only in business, but also within Alaska Native groups and organizations. Tara knows first-hand the fight for Native empowerment and self-determination because she’s been on the front lines for years. There’s long been a problem with Native issues not receiving the priority they deserve but with Tara Sweeney at the helm, I have no doubt the Department of Interior will be paying close attention and the voices of our Native communities will be heard. Tara follows in great Alaskan footsteps, those of my dear friend Morris Thompson, and will do a fantastic job working on behalf of American Indians and Alaska Natives across the country.”

Sen. Dan Sullivan said it was a historic appointment for Alaskans: “I’ve worked with Tara Sweeney for years and I have witnessed first-hand her integrity, her strong leadership skills and her devotion to public service. Tara has a deep love for our state and people, and is relentless in her commitment to securing a better future for Alaska and the nation. With her long history of advocating for Alaska Native cultural values, rights, and economic opportunity, I can’t think of anyone better to have as our nation’s next Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs.”

Governor Bill Walker praises the nomination of Tara Sweeney: "Tara's selection for this position is cause for celebration in Alaska. In each of my conversations with Secretary Zinke, I have encouraged him to include Alaskans for significant roles in his department. Tara's leadership in seeking self-determination and economic development for the people of the Arctic has been exemplary. As an Inupiaq tribal and corporate leader, she has sought the necessary balance between economic development and sustaining the ways of life and cultures of Alaska's First People. While many will be sad to see her leave ASRC, Tara's expertise will serve our state and nation well in this new role."


Jackie Johnson Pata with the National Congress of American Indians: "I commend the Secretary for his choice of Tara Sweeney for the Position of Assistant Secretary. Tara's diverse experience in the areas of energy, natural resources, and tribal governance will be a welcome addition to the Department of Interior and NCAI looks forward to working with Tara in her new capacity."

John Berrey, Chairman of the Quapaw Tribe in Oklahoma.“Since March when he was sworn in, Secretary Zinke has been assembling a top-notch team of professionals to help him lead the Interior Department. With Tara Sweeney’s nomination, the Secretary is showing he means business when it comes to reforming the BIA and improving the delivery of services to Indian people. Tara’s long and dedicated service to the Alaska Federation of Natives, the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation and, most recently, the Arctic Economic Council, will be what is needed in the BIA’s top official. I thank the secretary for this nomination and pledge to help Tara achieve success for Native people any way I can.”

Leonard Smith, Executive Director of the Native American Development Corporation: “Ms. Sweeney’s background consists of the right elements to assist our economic development efforts with the tribes we serve in Montana, Wyoming, North and South Dakota towards economic sustainability. Her experience in energy, capital, government contracting and economic development give her the depth of knowledge to develop legislative solutions to federal policies that hinder economic development with tribal nations. We feel confident she will be able to promote stronger federal support through collaboration with other federal, state and private resources for implementation of the infrastructure necessary for economic growth and sustainability.”

Julie Kitka, President of the Alaska Federation of Natives: “In these critical times, Ms. Tara Sweeney will serve as a strong Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs. Her experience with empowering Native Americans is unparalleled and she will help all tribes achieve great self-determination. There is not a Tribe or Alaska Native corporation that she would not help. I have had the opportunity to work alongside Ms. Sweeney for over a decade, I’ve seen her in action and she is driven by results.”

David Solomon, a Gwich’in activist from Fort Yukon: “'Oh it’s awesome! It’s good to see our Native leader be in the front line now. We’ve been recognized.' Solomon was in Washington, D.C. to rally opposition in the Senate to drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. ASRC owns subsurface rights in the refuge and Sweeney has been a lead advocate in favor of drilling there. But Solomon takes a broader view and says Sweeney’s selection is “good for Alaska Natives.”


 "Alaska Native Leader Tara Mac Lean Sweeney Becomes First Female Native Alaskan Nominated for Assistant Secretary of..."

 "Trump is making history with the nomination of an Alaska Native, Tara Sweeney, to serve as the leader of the..."

 "Cant' help but be delighted by Trump Admin decision to nominate Tara Sweeney for Interior. Former Chair @ArcticEcom"

 "Alaska Native leaders say Tara Sweeney is well suited for Trump's top Indian affairs job"

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Program works to consolidate fractionated lands, strengthen Tribal communities

Media Contact: Nedra Darling, OPA-IA Phone: 202-219-4152
For Immediate Release: August 30, 2018

WASHINGTON – Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs Tara Sweeney announced today that the Department of the Interior has signed agreements with the Oglala Sioux Tribe of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, the Northern Cheyenne Tribe of the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation in Montana, and the Santee Sioux Nation of the Santee Sioux Reservation in Nebraska to guide implementation of the Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations at each of these reservations.

The Buy-Back Program implements the land consolidation component of the Cobell Settlement, which provided $1.9 billion to purchase fractional interests in trust or restricted land from willing sellers at fair market value within 10 years. Consolidated interests are immediately restored to tribal trust ownership for uses benefiting the reservation community and tribal members.

“Our partnerships with tribal nations recognize the importance of tribal sovereignty and support tailored implementation of the Buy-Back Program at each unique reservation,” said Assistant Secretary Sweeney. “Each tribe’s input and involvement is critical for outreach to landowners and overall effective implementation of the Program. Landowners and the Buy-Back Program benefit tremendously from the significant contributions of our tribal nation partners.”

To date, the Department has entered into agreements with 49 tribal nations to cooperatively implement the Buy-Back Program. The agreements outline coordinated strategies to facilitate education about the Program to landowners, but are unique in time, scope and responsibilities based on particular circumstances at each location.

These are the second agreements of their kind signed between the Department and the Oglala Sioux Tribe and the Northern Cheyenne Tribe.

“The Oglala Sioux Tribe is pleased to enter into an agreement with the Department,” said Oglala Sioux Tribe President Troy “Scott” Weston. “Through this agreement, we look forward to providing outreach to Tribal landowners regarding the Land Buy-Back Program. Our collaboration with the Department will enable landowners to voluntarily sell their fractionated trust land interests in order to benefit our Tribe.”

“This is the second time our Tribe will be involved in the purchase of fractionated trust land from individual Indian landowners. Consolidating our Tribal land base has been a priority for decades as it allows us to make better culturally-based resource management decisions, more opportunities to increase economic development and housing opportunities, strengthen Tribal sovereignty and most of all to preserve the sacredness of the land for the coming generations,” said Northern Cheyenne President L. Jace Killsback. “We value Secretary Zinke’s consideration and approval of our Tribe’s request for the Land Buy-Back to return to the Northern Cheyenne Reservation.”

This is the first agreement of its kind signed between the Department and the Santee Sioux Nation. “We are thankful for the opportunity to purchase from those members or stakeholders who wish to sell their interests in allotted lands to the Santee Sioux Nation,” said Chairman Roger Trudell. “It provides the Nation the opportunity to strengthen its Land holdings and we are grateful for this opportunity provided to us by the Land Buy-Back Program.”

Since the Program began making offers in December 2013, more than 765,000 interests and the equivalent of nearly 2.2 million acres of land have been transferred to tribal governments. As a result of the Buy-Back Program, tribal ownership now exceeds 50 percent in 14,700 more tracts of land (representing an increase of approximately 120 percent for the locations where implementation has occurred), strengthening tribal sovereignty and self-determination. Returning fractionated lands to tribes in trust has enormous potential to improve tribal community resources by increasing home site locations, improving transportation routes, spurring economic development, easing approval for infrastructure and community projects, and preserving traditional cultural or ceremonial sites.

Landowners can contact the Trust Beneficiary Call Center at 888-678-6836 or visit their local Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians to ask questions about their land or purchase offers. More information and detailed frequently asked questions are available at Buy Back Program FAQ to help individuals make informed decisions about their lands.

Editorial Guide

Government websites often talk at readers rather than to them. Content is written in confusing “governmentese,” leaving users frustrated by information that is neither actionable nor understandable.

This guide will help you remove that frustration for your website visitors. If you’re wondering whether to capitalize the word “federal,” or if you don’t know how to create a friendly, informational tone, this guide is for you.

Abbreviations and Acronyms


Abbreviations are any shortened word or phrase. They are used to keep writing succinct and should remain consistent throughout a piece of writing. For example, you can write "St." instead of "Street."


Acronyms are a type of abbreviation. They use parts of the initial word or phrase (usually letters) to form an abbreviation. For example, "DIY" is an acronym for “do it yourself,” and "ASAP” is an acronym for “as soon as possible.”

However, acronyms often confuse readers. You should avoid them if possible.

If an acronym is necessary, spell out the full word or phrase on first reference, then write the acronym in parentheses. For example, to introduce the acronym “GSA,” write, “The General Services Administration (GSA).”

However, some acronyms (e.g, NASA and FBI) are more recognizable than their full spellings. In such instances, using just the acronym is acceptable. You may also refer an organization on second reference with a shortened name in place of an acronym. For example, instead of using “DOL” to abbreviate “Department of Labor,” write "Labor.”

Cultural Terms

American Indian and Alaska Native

Most tribal nations prefer to use "American Indian and Alaska Native." This term is synonymous with the term “Native American.”  On first reference, you should use "American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN)." For subsequent references, you should use "AI/AN."

Alaska Native

"Alaskan Native" is an incorrect use of the term “Alaska Native.” 

Tribe, Tribal

You shouldn't capitialize "tribe" unless you are referring to a specific tribe in your writing.


  • "The Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma” versus “He works with the tribe.”

You shouldn't capitialize "tribal" unless you are referring to a specific program or organization.


  • "The Tribal Community Planning Board” versus “She works with a tribal business.”


The term "indigenous" is a common synonym for the term “American Indian and Alaska Native” and “Native American.” But “indigenous” doesn't need to be capitalized unless it's used in context as a proper noun.


  • Healing Our Spirit Worldwide Indigenous Peoples Conference  
  • Indigenous HIV/AIDS Research Training Program


You should capitalize "Native" when using it as a synonym for “American Indian and Alaska Native.”


  • We have been serving the needs of Native communities for more than 20 years.  
  • The powwow activities included Native games and a basketball tournament.   

You should write the term in lowercase when using it as an adjective.


  • The blanket depicts vegetation that is native to the region.


You must always capitalize this term and avoid using it without a modifier (e.g., "Indian Country," "American Indian").

Use of this term alone can be considered derogatory if used to refer to American Indians and Alaska Natives, and it creates confusion between Native Americans people from India.

First Nation

"First Nation" is the preferred term for tribes in Canada.

Bulleted Lists

Bulleted lists allow readers to quickly scan your web page for information. They're easier to read than long blocks of text, and they can be used to highlight important content.

Suggestions for Bulleted Lists:

  • Capitalize the first word of each bullet
  • Begin each bullet with a verb or an action word to efficiently convey your message
  • If your bullet contains a complete sentence, you should end it with a period. Otherwise, you should avoid using periods.
  • Follow the same sentence structure for each bullet for consistency (e.g., use all complete sentences or all incomplete sentences)
  • Use subbullets to express an idea related to the main bullet to keep themes organized in the reader's mind

Numbers and Numerals


  • Spell out numbers one through nine, and use numerals for numbers 10 and greater
  • Spell out ordinal numbers first to ninth, and use numerals for ordinal numbers 10th or greater
  • Occasionally government writing contains very large numbers (i.e., millions, billions, trillions). In these cases, you should write such numbers with a numeral and a word (e.g., 1.6 million people).
  • Spell out numbers when they start a sentence
  • Spell out all fractions and use hyphens with them (e.g., "One-third of the cake was eaten.")
  • Use a comma for numbers over 999
  • Use a "0" when there is no digit before a decimal point
  • Try to maintain as much accuracy as possible up to two decimal places
  • Use "to" instead of a "dash" for a range: "500 to 900" instead of "500-900" except in tables
  • Use roman numerals to describe wars and in reference to people (e.g., "World War II," "Pope John Paul II," "Elizabeth II.")


If your writing contains amounts of money in cents, use numerals followed by words: "5 cents."

If your writing contains amounts of money greater than $1 million, use the dollar sign, followed by numerals, followed by words: "$2.7 million."

If your writing contains amounts of money less than $1 million, use the dollar sign followed by numerals: "$17."


If your title or subheading contains numbers, you can use numerals: “10 business leaders you should know now" or "6 ways to incorporate plain-language strategies.”


You can use the percent sign (%) sign when it's paired with a numerals, which can improve the readability and scannability.

This is particularly true in the following formats:

  • Technical or scientific writing (e.g., “60% of participants reported experiencing negative side effects.”)
  • Headings and subheadings (e.g., “Candidate Woof takes 7% lead in the election for best dog.”)
  • Captions and infographics

You should use words instead of figures and numbers when not using numerals.


Capitalization usage varies according to the context.

The most important rule is to remain consistent with which words you capitalize to avoid confusing the reader.

Title Case

You should use title case carefully because it's attributed to formal writing. When used appropriately, it can clarify that you’re speaking about a specific, official thing (such as a form, office, or person).

But overusing it can confuse readers by implying formality or officiality in inappropriate contexts. For example, you should capitalize the phrase “Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return” because it is an official title of a form. You shouldn't capitalize “income taxes” or “income tax forms,” because these phrases could refer to a number of forms, both unofficial and official.

Proper nouns

  • Always capitialize proper nous (e.g., names of individuals, places, and agencies)

Personal Titles

  • Don’t capitalize personal titles unless they precede a name (e.g., “the director got approval” versus “Director Lopez got approval.”)


  • Headlines, page titles, subheads and similar content should follow title case and should not include a trailing colon:
  • “Making Sense of Washington’s Tech Landscape”
  • “Privileges and Responsibilities”

Dates, Addresses, Phone Numbers, and Email


  • Always capitialize months
  • Spell out months in full, unless used with a particular date (for a specific date, abbreviate only the following months: "Jan.," "Feb.," "Aug.," "Sept.," "Oct.," "Nov.," and "Dec.")
  • Use commas with the date, month, and year
  • Don’t use "st," "nd," "rd," or "th" with dates


  • Use "to" in address ranges
  • Format street addresses according to three lines:
    • The first line contains the street address, using numbers and only abbreviating "St.," "Blvd.," and "Ave."
    • The second line is used for floors and suites, which should be spelled out and capitalized.
    • The third line should contain the city, state, and ZIP code. You can use the two-letter abbreviation for states with no punctuation. It's acceptable to use a five-digit ZIP code instead of a 9-digit ZIP code.

Phone Numbers

  • Don't add a "1" before the area code, unless it's necessary for an international audience
  • Use parentheses around the area code
  • Don't use letters in phone numbers since it prevents mobile users from clicking on the number to call
  • If you have html knowledge, you can make a phone number an active link by putting "tel:" before it.


  • Spell out as one word
  • Write email addresses in full in lowercase
  • If you have html knowledge, you can make an email address an active link by putting "mailto:" before it.

You should always aim to use links in a way that will be helpful for a user.

Suggestions For a Better User Experience

  • Provide enough context for a link so that a user can make sense of it (e.g., use "Apply for a Grant" instead "click here")
  • Avoid long, uncategorized link lists that make it difficult for a user to fnd what they're looking for
  • Don't confuse a user by using the same text link in multiple places on the same web page
  • Avoid using short links that make it harder for a user to click


Tables should be used for presenting data and can replace bulleted lists in certain situations.

Formatting Suggestions

  • Tables should have a bolded and capitalized header row
  • Totals or differences between amounts should be listed at the end of columns and rows
  • There should be more rows than columns
  • Important information should be listed first
  • Months can be truncated, dashes can shorten number spans, and large numbers can be rounded to keep text concise
  • The minimum suggested table size is two columns and three rows, but you should reconsider the need for using a small table.

Tables are no longer intended to be used to alter a web page's layout.

Grammar and Punctuation


Sentences should always be separated by a single space — never two spaces.


A dash signals a pause or an independent statement. You should add a space on either side of a dash and don’t capitalize the first word following a dash.


We use the serial comma (sometimes called the Oxford comma). In a list of three or more, you should include a comma before the conjunction.


You should avoid using the "/" symbol and use words or commas instead.

Quotation Marks

You should use double quotes for direct quotations in the body of a text.


We suggest that you avoid semicolons. If a long sentence uses semicolons, you should break it up into multiple sentences.


You can italicize in certain situations to differentiate or give greater prominence to words and phrases.

We suggest that you use italics for titles of books, scholarly journals, periodicals, films, videos, or television shows.

You shouldn't use italics for words or italicize for emphasis.


You shouldn't use underlines because they're used for links.

Ampersands or Plus Signs

You should use "and" instead of an ampersand or plus sign unless they’re part of an official title or company name. For example, you could still write "D.C. Community Planning Conference + Training Day."

Compound Words

A compound word is a union of two or more words that are joined either with or without a hyphen.

You should avoid using a hyphen if the compound word is clearly understood on its own:

  • “fellow citizen”
  • “real estate”

But you can use a hyphen if the compound word is not clearly understood on its own:

  • “forget-me-not”
  • “right-of-way”

Words to Avoid and Alternatives

  • agenda (unless you’re talking about a meeting)

  • advancing

  • combating (use working against or fighting)

  • commit or pledge (we need to be more specific — we’re either doing something or we’re not)

  • countering (use answering or responding)

  • deliver (pizzas, mail, and services are delivered — not abstract concepts like improvements or priorities)

  • deploy (unless you’re talking about the military or software)

  • dialogue (we speak to people)

  • disincentivize or incentivize

  • execute (use run or do)

  • facilitate (instead, say something specific about how you are helping)

  • foster (unless it’s children)

  • impact or impactful

  • initiate (use start)

  • innovative (use words that describe the positive outcome of the innovation)

  • in order to (use to)

  • key (unless it unlocks something, use important or omit)

  • land (as a verb only use if you’re talking about aircraft)

  • leverage (unless you use it in the financial sense)

  • liaise (use collaborate, work with, or partner with)

  • modify (use change instead)

  • overarching

  • robust

  • slimming down (processes don’t diet)

  • streamline

  • tackling (unless you’re referring to football or another contact sport)

  • thought leader (refer to a person’s accomplishments)

  • touchpoint (mention specific system components)

  • transforming (what are you actually doing to change it?)

  • utilize (use)

Second-Person Pronouns

Content on government sites often makes a direct appeal to the public to get involved or take action.

  • Address the reader as "you" whenever possible (e.g., "You can email us or call our office.")


As a government organization, we need to sound somewhat official. But we also recognize that official doesn’t need to translate to stuffy, archaic or aloof.

For this reason, you can use contractions when writing for our sites.


Avoid using "citizen" as a generic term for people who live in the United States. Many government programs serve non-citizens and individuals with a wide range of immigration and visa statuses.

How you refer to the public is largely dependent on context. Feel free to choose from any of these words:

  • People
  • The public
  • Users

Be as specific as possible. Depending on the situation, you may want to say something like “people who need healthcare” or “people who need to access government services online.”

You can use "citizens" for information related to U.S. citizenship, for example, when describing who is eligible to vote in federal elections.

You need to be careful with "Americans" or "the American public." These terms are ambiguous and are often used as synonyms for citizens. In most cases, the public is equally clear and more inclusive. That said, referring to "Americans" or the "American people" can be useful if you want to inspire readers or take a more patriotic tone.

You should avoid using the terms "illegals" or "illegal aliens" and instead use "undocumented immigrants."


Following AP style,we always use figures for ages. If the age is used as an adjective or as a substitute for a noun, then it should be hyphenated. You shouldn't use apostrophes when describing an age range.


  • A 20-year-old student.
  • The student is 17 years old.
  • The girl, 5, has a brother, 12.
  • The contest is for 16-year-olds. She is in her 30s.

You can make reference to someone’s age when it is relevant to the context, but you should avoid using labels if possible.

We prefer using the terms "older adult," "older person," or "senior" over "senior citizen" or "elderly" only when appropriate.

It generally acceptable to describe a male or female younger than 18 as a "boy" or a "girl."


You should use full names on first reference. On second reference, we follow AP style and use the person's last name in most cases.

If there’s a chance of confusion on second reference when using only first or last names, you can use full names.

Trademarks and Brands

You should avoid using a trademark unless you’re referring to a specific product.

This can be tricky when a trademarked name, like Kleenex, has become synonymous with an entire family of products. Try to use a generic word — like tissue — instead of a brand name.

Common trademarked words (with alternative terms)

  • Band-Aid (adhesive bandage, bandage)
  • Bubble Wrap (packaging bubbles)
  • Chapstick (lip balm)
  • Crayola (crayons)
  • Dumpster (waste container, trash container)
  • Hi-Liter (highlighting marker)
  • Kleenex (tissue)
  • Plexiglas (plastic glass)
  • Post-it note (adhesive note)
  • Q-Tips (cotton swabs)
  • Scotch tape (transparent tape)
  • Styrofoam (plastic foam)
  • Taser (stun gun)
  • Xerox (photocopy, copy)


Careful use of trademarked names and brands is important because the government shouldn’t endorse specific brands or products. When writing about corporate brands or products to illustrate a point, mention a range of related companies instead of a single provider.

Avoid linking to products or services, because people can see it as an endorsement. The same rule applies to the brands and products of individuals, such as personal websites or websites where you can buy their book.

However, you can link to useful resources like slide decks or how-to guides from private individuals or companies. If you mention a trademark, capitalize and punctuate it in the trademark holder’s preferred style.

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