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Office of Public Affairs

Privacy Policy


The Bureau of Indian Affairs is part of the U.S. Department of the Interior and therefore utilizes the same Privacy Policies. 

You may view those policies at DOI Privacy Policy

Southern Ute Agency

The Southern Ute Agency consists of the following branches of service for the one tribe under their jurisdiction:



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Information presented on this website is considered public information and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested. We strongly recommend that USDOI data be acquired directly from a USDOI server and not through other sources that may change the data in some way. While USDOI makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information, various data such as names, telephone numbers, etc. may change prior to updating. USDOI welcomes suggestions on how to improve our home page and correct errors.


How does the BIA carry out its mission?

Today, in keeping with their authorities and responsibilities under the Snyder Act of 1921 and other federal laws, regulations, and treaties, BIA employees across the country work with tribal governments in the administration of employment and job training assistance; law enforcement and justice; agricultural and economic development; tribal governance; and natural resources management programs to enhance the quality of life in tribal communities.  The following are just some examples of


What are the inherent powers of tribal self-government?

Tribes possess all powers of self-government except those relinquished under treaty with the United States, those that Congress has expressly extinguished, and those that federal courts have ruled are subject to existing federal law or are inconsistent with overriding national policies.  Tribes, therefore, possess the right to form their own governments; to make and enforce laws, both civil and criminal; to tax; to establish and determine membership (i.e., tribal citizenship); to license and regulate activities within their jurisdiction; to zone; and to exclude persons from tribal land

An official website of the U.S. Department of the Interior

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