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Draft Environmental Assessment Noxious Weed Management Plan for Bá’azh chíní (Piute Creek) Canyon Watershed

The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Western Navajo Agency has prepared a draft Environmental Assessment (EA)to analyze potential impacts associated with treating noxious weeds in riparian areas along Bá’azh chíní (Piute Creek) and its tributaries and streams within Bá’azh chíní Canyon HUC 10 Watershed on the Navajo Nation. This draft EA tiers off the Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for the Navajo Nation Integrated Weed Management Plan (BIA 2022). This notice announces the availability of the EA for public review and comment. The draft EA was prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (40 CFR §1500–1508).


We analyzed two (2) alternatives in the draft EA, the No Action and the Proposed Action alternatives.

Alternative A: No Action Alternative

The Bureau of Indian Affairs would not approve integrated weed management for the Bá’azh chíní Canyon HUC 10 Watershed project area. Noxious weeds would continue to occur and likely increase in density and abundance along streams, including Bá’azh chíní and its tributaries. The noxious weed populations would continue to displace native vegetation communities, alter soil properties, impact water quality, and water resources, and increase wildfire risk.

Alternative B: Proposed Action Alternative

The Proposed Action would allow weed treatments within Bá’azh chíní Canyon HUC 10 Watershed on approximately 200 miles of streams. An integrated weed management approach would allow for selection from manual, mechanical, herbicide, cultural and/or biological treatments. A combination of methods could be used for each project site depending on site conditions and weeds present. Noxious/invasive weeds would be treated using the best available control technique(s) based on their life history and cost-effectiveness. Repeated treatments are often necessary due to the spread of seeds, lack of complete root kill, and residual weed seeds in the seed bank. The annual goal is to treat up to 50 acres.

Comments must be received by May 10, 2023.

How to Comment

The 30-day public comment period for the draft EA begins April 10, 2023, and ends May 10, 2023. Written comments may be submitted by mail or email at the addresses below. Comments on the draft EA may be submitted in writing until May 10, 2023. In the subject line of your letter or email, please include “Comments on the Bá’azh chíní Canyon Noxious Weed Management Plan EA”.

BIA – Western Navajo Agency, Branch of Natural Resources

C/O: Renee Benally, Natural Resource Specialist

P.O. Box 127, Tuba City, AZ 86045

Public Meeting

The public comment meetings will be held at the Navajo Mountain and Inscription House/Ts’ah Bii Kin Chapter Houses and one virtual meeting using the Teams platform. The meeting will provide an opportunity for the public to learn more about the EA, have discussions with BIA staff, and provide input. The meeting will be recorded and a link to the recording will be posted on the BIA Navajo Region - Western Navajo Agency project website.

In-person Meetings



Meeting Location

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

2 PM to 4 PM

Ts’ah Bii Kin Chapter

Thursday, April 27, 2023

10 AM to 12 PM

Navajo Mountain Chapter

Virtual Meeting

Meeting link will be provided



On-line/Virtual Meeting

Friday, April 28, 2023

10 AM to 12 PM

TEAMs Meeting link

Password is not needed to access Meeting.

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