Grant Writing Workshop
Part 1: Planning & Mechanics
Resources provided during Part 1
Slide Deck for Part 1
Part 2: How to Read a NOFO & RFP
Resources provided during Part 2
Slide Deck for Part 2
Indian Business Incubator Webinars
Indian Business Incubators: From Start to Finish, Analyzing Tribal Business Webinar, February 6, 2024
OIED held an Indian business incubator webinar to explore the fundamental aspects of Tribal business incubation, offering practical insights and successful strategies from experts in the field. Panelists shared applicable practices to support economic growth across Tribal communities. The featured panelists included:
- Heather Fleming, Executive Director of Change Labs,
- Brooke Montgomery, Director of Studio G & AIBE (Arrowhead Center), New Mexico State University
- Rachel Livingston, Program Specialist, AIBE (Arrowhead Center), New Mexico State University
- Alan Pruitt, Economic Development Specialist, Quechan Indian Tribe (Arizona)
- Samantha Leonard, Loan Specialists, Division of Capital Investment – OIED
Each panelist introduced themselves and provided a brief overview of their organization and its efforts pertaining to Tribal business development and incubation. Panelists detailed specific challenges facing their organizations, opportunities and resources available to Tribal entrepreneurs, and advice to those interested in supporting Tribal business incubation.
IBIP Pre-Application Webinar, May 17, 2022
OIED held a pre-application webinar that featured an overview of the Notice of Funding Opportunity, a question-and-answer forum with attendees, and an application checklist.
2023 First Annual Office of Indian Economic Development Grantee Meeting August 1-3, 2023 Cherokee, North Carolina
The Office of Indian Economic Development (OIED) convened all five grant program recipients (Living Languages Grant Program - LLGP, Indian Business Incubator Program - IBIP, Native American Business Development Institute - NABDI, National Tribal Broadband Grant Program - NTBG, and the Tribal Tourism Grant Program - TTGP) for our first annual grantee conference entitled, “Building Connections: Strengthening Indigenous Communities Toward Economic Self-Sufficiency.” Approximately 107 Tribal Grantees, representing 97 Tribal Nations, were in attendance to the conference.

Three-days of Plenary Speakers:

The final plenary session featured an Indian business incubator roundtable. Four IBIP grantees took the stage to provide an overview of their successful grant projects and provide best practices and insights for attendees. The panel featured leaders from the Quechan Tribe Business Development Center, American Indian Business Enterprise Program, Change Labs, and Plenty Doors Community Development Corporation.

Workshops included USDA Rural Development, Indigenous Language Development, National Telecommunications and Administration updates, Funding Small Business and many other valuable presentations providing participants with resources and support.
OIED also proudly included two partnership presentations:

Please view our Grantee Meeting Impact Report for additional details on plenary sessions, attendance, and event survey results.
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