We are seeking feedback from federally recognized Tribes and Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCU) on three general topics:
- The Department of the Interior's collection of tribal enrollment information.
- The Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs and Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) process for distributing $900 million in ARP funds to tribal governments; and,
- The Bureau of lndian Education (BIE) process for distributing $850 million in ARP funds to K-12 schools and TCUs.
Reference & Presentation Materials
- American Rescue Plan Consultation Presentation
- DRAFT Enrollment Data Collection Form
This form is available to the tribes to review and provide comments on. This DRAFT form is for Tribal Consultation Purposes Only.
Past Consultation Transcripts
Transcripts of completed consultations are shared publicly once available.
Tribal Consultation Written Comments Received American Rescue Plan – Indian Affairs Appropriations
Attend a Tribal Consultation
The consultation sessions are scheduled by time-zone and will be held by telephone conference due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The short notice for these sessions is due to certain deadlines contained in the ARP. The schedule is as follows:
Contact Us
Washington, DC 20240