Regional Resources: Alaska

The entire state of Alaska falls under the jurisdiction of the Alaska Region, with the small exception of the Annette Island Reserve, which falls under the Northwest Region. More than 180,000 Tribal members make up the 228 federally-recognized Tribes under the jurisdiction of the Alaska Regional Office—from Ketchikan in the Southeast Panhandle to Barrow on the Arctic Ocean and from Eagle on the Yukon Territory border to Atka in the Aleutian Chain. Alaska’s marine fish and wildlife habitats, species distributions, and food webs, all of which are important to Alaska Native villages, are increasingly affected by retreating and thinning arctic summer sea ice, increasing temperatures, and ocean acidification (NCA4, ch. 26). Many Alaska Native Villages are also dealing with impacts such as permafrost degradation, storm surge, erosion and flooding, and other similar issues which cause communities to face decisions around community-led relocation, partial relocation, site expansion, or take protect-in-place measures to address them.


Climate Adaptation Science Center (CASC) Regional Resources

Alaska Climate Conferences

Planning Resources

Interactive Climate Data Maps

Environmental Assessment (EA) Reports: Statewide

Bureau of Indian Affairs

Connect with the BIA Branch of Tribal Community Resilience Regional Coordinator:

Jennifer Robinnette
Regional Coordinator
Phone: (907) 843-1290

Tribal Climate Resilience Liaison

The BIA Alaska region is served by the Alaska Climate Adaptation Science Center, partnering with the Native American Fish and Wildlife Society.

Lori Petrauski
Senior Liaison
Location: Fairbanks
Phone: (218) 966-1643

Jolene Auliye
Assistant Liaison

Jerilyn Kelley
Assistant Liaison
Location: Southwest Alaska

Malinda Chase
Supported by the University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Senior Liaison
Location: Fairbanks
Phone: (907) 474-2768, (907) 460-8438

Contact Us

Branch of Tribal Community Resilience

1001 Indian School Rd NW

Albuquerque, NM 87104

8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. MST, Monday–Friday.