Regional Resources: Southwest, Western and Navajo

The Southwest Region, Western Region and Navajo Region together serve 68 Tribes through 26 local BIA agencies. Uniquely, the Navajo Region serves only the Navajo Nation through its 5 local BIA agencies and Regional Office. Droughts in the Southwest have contributed to declines in traditional Indigenous staple foods, including acorns, corn, and pine nuts. Drought and increasing heat intensify the arid conditions of reservations where the United States restricted some Tribal Nations in the southwest to the driest portions of their traditional homelands. Navajo elders tell of the increasingly arid conditions over the last half of the 20th century that contributed to declines in culturally significant crops, the flow of specific water springs and seeps, and wildlife populations, such as eagles. Projected reductions in water supply reliability, coupled with water agreements that involve selling or leasing Tribal water to neighboring communities, could place Tribal water supplies at risk during severe shortages (NCA4, Ch. 25).

Southwest: Resources

Climate Adaptation Science Center (CASC) Regional Resources

Organization Resources

U.S. Department of the Interior Resources

Southwest: Bureau of Indian Affairs

Connect with the BIA Branch of Tribal Community Resilience Regional Coordinator:

Shaina Tallas
Regional Coordinator
Phone: (505) 917-4087

Southwest: Tribal Climate Resilience Liaison

Tribes in the BIA Southwest region living in the state of Colorado are served by the North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center, partnering with Great Plains Tribal Water Alliance.

Kynser Wahwahsuck
Senior Liaison
Phone: (913) 704-5690

Janna Black
Assistant Liaison
Phone: (360) 797-8871

Tribes in the BIA Southwest region living in the state of New Mexico are served by the South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center, partnering with the Chickasaw Nation.

Western: Resources

Climate Adaptation Science Center (CASC) Regional Resources

Organization Resources

U.S. Department of the Interior Resources

Western: Bureau of Indian Affairs

Connect with the BIA Branch of Tribal Community Resilience Regional Coordinator:

Shaina Tallas
Regional Coordinator
Phone: (505) 917-4087

Western: Tribal Climate Resilience Liaison

The BIA Western region is served by the Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center partnering with the American Indian Higher Education Consortium.

Cynthia Naha
Senior Liaison
Phone: (505) 603-3129

Anissa McKenna
Assistant Liaison
Phone: (912) 506-9508

Climate Adaptation Science Center (CASC) Regional Resources

Organization Resources

U.S. Department of the Interior Resources

Connect with the BIA Branch of Tribal Community Resilience Regional Coordinator:

Shaina Tallas
Regional Coordinator
Phone: (505) 917-4087

The BIA Navajo region is served by the Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center partnering with the American Indian Higher Education Consortium.

Cynthia Naha
Senior Liaison
Phone: (505) 603-3129

Anissa McKenna
Assistant Liaison
Phone: (912) 506-9508

Contact Us

Branch of Tribal Community Resilience

1001 Indian School Rd NW

Albuquerque, NM 87104

8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. MST, Monday–Friday.