DEMD Grants General Information


This document is meant to provide basic guidance for the DEMD Grants project progress reports and does not replace or alter the original solicitation or contract agreements.

General Grant Proposal Best Practices

Project Compatibility: Evaluate how closely your project aligns with the goals of the solicitation and the likeliness of being awarded based on the review criteria before responding to the grant solicitation.

Cost-Benefit: Determine the amount of time and resources it will take to construct the proposal compared to the project compatibility, economic benefit, and the overall likeliness of being awarded.

Evaluation of Requirements: Ensure all the grant proposal requirements have been met.

Proposal Overview: In order to clearly understand your justification for the grant request, write a brief (one half to one page) overview of the project and how it aligns with funding agency and grant in question and why the funding agency should fund it. Work to provide a thorough and clear discussion of the project and how it relates to the goals of the grant.

Define the Funding Impact: Describe how many people are impacted by the need of the grant and who will benefit and how they will benefit from the grant. Identify the methodology used for your analysis of impact and need.

Evaluation Plan: Describe how the project will be evaluated and how the findings will be reported.

Appendices: Ensure that the requested appendices are provided, i.e. resumes of staff critical to the project, financial statements etc.

Previous Proposal Re-Use: Do not re-use previous proposals. Proposals should be specific to the project, identifying the phase of the project, and expected outcomes of the project.

DEMD Grants Progress Reporting Criteria


During the life of DEMD grant projects, progress reports will need to be submitted to the Project Monitor and Grant Officer named in the award letter by the Tribal Contact.

Please note: Tribal Project Contractors may not submit reports on behalf of the tribe.

Reporting Elements/Criteria

Progress Reports will consist of the following three (3) elements:

  1. A one (1) to two (2) page narrative summary. The summary should include a discussion of events, accomplishments, problems, results that took place during the quarter, and the planned steps for the nest quarter.
  2. Progress Financial Status Report (Federal Financial Report, SF 425).
  3. A listing of funds expended during the quarter, a statement as to how the funds were spent, and amount remaining.

Download Progress Report Templates


Reports are due thirty (30) days after the end of the respective reporting period as indicated in the Notice of Grant Award (NGA). Reports may be completed in either Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format: spreadsheet data may be completed in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, or Adobe PDF formats and submitted through GrantSolutions. All vector data and Raster images should be in Adobe PDF format.

Please email digital copies of the entire progress report package to the Project Monitor named in the Award Letter to the respective email address.

DEMD Grants Final Reporting Criteria


DEMD grantees will need to submit a final report at the end of a project to the Project Monitor and Contracting Officer named in the award letter. In addition to submitting progress reports, a grantee is required to submit a final report and all deliverables, i.e. all products generated by the grant studies.

Please note: Tribal Project Contractors may not submit reports on behalf of the tribe.

Reporting Elements/Criteria

Final Reports will consist of four (4) elements:

  1. A narrative summary generally discussing the project in its entirety, including a description of all deliverables.
  2. All deliverables, i.e. all products generated by the grant studies. (Products include all reports and technical data obtained during the study such as geophysical data, geochemical analysis, core data, lithologic logs, assay data of samples tested, results of special tests, maps and cross sections, and technical report describing results.)
  3. Final financial status report, submitted as Federal Financial Report, SF 425.
  4. A listing of funds expended during the project, how the funds were spent, and any amount remaining.

Download Final Report Templates


Reports are due one hundred twenty (120) days after the end of a project, as indicated in Notice of Grant Award (NGA). Reports may be completed in either Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format; spreadsheet data may be completed in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, or Adobe PDF formats and submitted to GrantSolutions. All vector data and Raster images should be in Adobe PDF format.

Please email digital copies of the entire final report package to the Project Monitor named in the Award Letter.

Grant Technical Assistance Guide

General Information

The Division of Energy and Mineral Development (DEMD) offers technical assistance for the grant proposal to tribes that do not have the technical staff or consultants, or tribes who want additional technical assistance. DEMD staff can provide technical information as well as data stored by the DEMD on behalf of tribes. However, the applicant (or consultants of the applicant) must design, organize, and write the proposal, including the proposal budget.

Types of Technical Assistance

Grant Technical Assistance offered by DEMD:

  • Directly working with tribes on technical sections of proposals;
  • Providing technical documents and data to the tribe; and
  • Providing suggestions of companies or contractors with specific expertise.

How to Request Grant Technical Assistance

All requests for technical assistance must be submitted in writing to for EMDP assistance or to for TEDC assistance. All requests need to be received well before the end of application deadline. Even applicants not seeking technical assistance should submit proposals as far as possible in advance of the application deadline to allow DEMD staff time to provide feedback concerning any possible deficiencies, and allow for timely application revisions if necessary.

Please Note: For faster response, please CC

Additional Information

Contact Us

Division of Energy and Mineral Development

13922 Denver West Parkway, Suite 200
Lakewood, CO 80401-3142

Open 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m., Monday–Friday.