The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Division of Real Estate Services (DRES) holds training events throughout the year to provide technical assistance and inform Tribal leaders, federal employees, and individuals about BIA real estate policies and programs.
Upcoming online real estate services training events are listed on the DRES web page.
Video recordings of recent online real estate service training events are available below:
HEARTH Act Training for Tribes
Under the Helping Expedite and Advance Responsible Tribal Home Ownership Act of 2012 (HEARTH Act), federally-recognized Tribes may develop their own leasing regulations consistent with 25 CFR 162. Once these Tribal leasing regulations are approved by the Secretary of the Interior, the Tribe may approve future individual leases on Tribal land without BIA approval, increasing the speed and efficiency of the leasing process.
HEARTH Act online trainings review the 52 IAM 13 policy for HEARTH Act and the process for Tribes to submit their leasing regulations for Secretarial approval. The following previous HEARTH Act trainings are available below:
- December 11, 2024: HEARTH Act Training, Questions and Answers
- March 26, 2024: HEARTH Act Training, Questions and Answers
- February 7, 2024: HEARTH Act Training, Questions and Answers
- August 9, 2023: HEARTH Act Training and Special Announcement for Renewable Energy Accelerated Deployment Initiative (READI) Training
The latest HEARTH Act overview training slides can be downloaded below:
HEARTH Act training videos reference the following documents:
HEARTH Act Training for Lenders
Under the HEARTH Act, federally-recognized Tribes may develop their own leasing regulations consistent with 25 CFR 162. Once these Tribal leasing regulations are approved by the Department of the Interior, the Tribe may approve future individual leases on Tribal land without BIA approval, increasing the speed and efficiency of the leasing process.
The online trainings below review HEARTH Act policy from the perspective of lenders and industry partners.
- September 26, 2024: Helping Expedite & Advance Responsible Tribal Home Ownership (HEARTH) Act Training for Lenders
- January 25, 2023: Helping Expedite and Advance Responsible Tribal Home Ownership Act Lending Systems Focus Group
The latest HEARTH Act overview for lenders training slides can be downloaded
Streamlined Rights-of-Way and Business Leases for Federally Funded Tribal Broadband Projects
The newly updated national policy memo, “Streamlining the Rights-of-Way and Business Lease Application Processes for Federally Funded Tribal Broadband Infrastructure Projects” (NPM-TRUS-44 A2) establishes the BIA policy for the efficient and effective processing of right-of-ways and business lease applications for infrastructure projects.
DRES conducted two training sessions to provide an overview of the new national policy memo for BIA field staff, Tribes which have compacted or contracted realty functions, Federal partners and Industry:
- April 26, 2024: Streamlined Rights-of-Way and Business Leases for Federally Funded Tribal Broadband Projects Training
- April 30, 2024: Streamlined Rights-of-Way and Business Leases for Federally Funded Tribal Broadband Projects Training
The slides used in these training videos can be downloaded below:
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Albuquerque, NM 87104