Tribal Nations and Alaska Native villages face significant challenges in responding and strengthening resilience to the extreme weather events and environmental hazards resulting from climate change. 

The Tribal Climate Resilience Liaison Network assembles a team of Liaisons located throughout the United States who support Tribal Nations and Alaska Native villages in their region to advance adaptation planning and implementation in the face of climate change. 

Liaisons serve as extension agents, facilitating research, linking Tribal needs to available resources, and coordinating trainings, workshops, forums, and exchanges. Liaisons can:

  • Help Tribes access information, data, and expertise with the Climate Adaptation Science Centers and elsewhere;
  • Facilitate research integrating Indigenous Knowledges (IK); and
  • Support Tribal forums and information exchange. These efforts are designed to better understand, communicate, and meet the needs of Tribes through partnerships to promote more resilient Tribal communities.

Learn more about the Tribal, federal, and university partnerships that support the Tribal Climate Resilience Liaison Network.

Find Your Regional Tribal Climate Resilience Liaison

Find and contact your Tribal Climate Resilience Liaison by looking up your BIA region in the Tribal Climate Resilience Resource Directory.

You can also view a map of the Tribal Climate Resilience Liaison Network by using the Tribal Climate Liaison Directory Dashboard.

What Would You Like to Do?


  • Building Relationships for Tribal Adaptation Planning: A…

    Beach located within the study area of the needs assessment. Photo courtesy of Kylie Avery.

    The Liaisons in the Pacific Northwest, Amelia Marchand and Kylie Avery, partnered with the University of Washington…

Additional Information

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Contact Us

Branch of Tribal Climate Resilience
1001 Indian School Rd NW
Albuquerque, NM 87104
Open 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. MST, Monday–Friday