A virtual public hearing was held via Zoom at 1:00 pm Pacific Time on December 2, 2022 to provide a summary of and receive comment on the draft distribution plan. The BIA provided notice of the Hearing through a ‘Dear Tribal Leader’ letter sent to the 45 tribes within the Northwest Region on October 28, 2021. Public notice of the meeting was also published on multiple days in six regional and local newspapers in Oregon and Washington, and northern California.
The plan presented at the Hearing would have been to establish a six-member board consisting of two members each selected by the Grand Ronde, Chinook and Siletz to oversee an educational scholarship program for descendants of the 1914 Lower Chinook and Clatsop Payment Rolls.
Thirty individuals testified at the hearing, including members of the Grand Ronde Tribal Council, the Chinook Indian Nation, and individuals with Chinook ancestry, many of whom were enrolled in another tribe. Enrolled members of the Siletz Tribe also presented testimony supporting additional dialogue with the Chinook Indian Nation. In addition to oral testimony, 23 letters and emails were received. No one supported the proposed plan. An overwhelming majority urged BIA to work further with the Chinook Indian Nation in developing a plan benefitting the Chinook people.
Given the testimony and written comments received in response to its proposed use or distribution plan, BIA has decided to engage in further discussions concerning the plan with the Chinook Indian Nation.
Consultation Materials
Comment Deadline
Any individual who has basis to believe they are a lineal descendant of the 1914 Roll or any tribal entity with membership descended from the 1914 Roll is invited to provide written comment. Comments should be relevant to the Plan and its development. Please email your comments to: chinook.comments@bia.gov. Written comment may also be submitted to: Chinook Comments, Bureau of Indian Affairs, 911 NE 11th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97232.
Please submit comments by December 15, 2021.
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