List of Programs Eligible for Inclusion in Funding Agreements Negotiated with Self-Governance Tribes by non-BIA Bureaus

The Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs proposes to consult on the List of Programs Eligible for Inclusion in Funding Agreements Negotiated with Self-Governance Tribes by Interior Bureaus Other than the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) (the "List") that is prepared annually pursuant to section 412(c) of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (the "ISDEAA"). A copy of the List for Fiscal Year 2022 can be found here: d/2022-025 84. It is important to note the list is NOT a definitive list of all potentially contractable programs and there may be many more that have yet to be identified.

A listening session on this issue was previously held at the 2022 Self Governance Conference, and the results indicated that further consultation on the format and content of the List would be helpful. Indian Affairs invites you to consult on three topics:

(1) the value of the current format of the List to Indian Tribes seeking contracting, self-governance agreement(s), and/or compacting under ISDEAA;
(2) whether adding to the List a list of all contracts, self-governance agreements, and/or compacts entered into by Department bureaus other than the BIA would be helpful for Tribes seeking to contract or compact with non-BIA Department bureaus; and
(3) whether general guidance on the principles governing contracting, self-governance agreement(s), and/or compacting under the ISDEAA should be included in the List.


  • 12

    Session 1

    Tribal consultation session In-Person


    • Start and End Date(s)
      Start and End Date(s): Thu, Jan 12, 2023
    • Time
      Time: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM Mountain (MT)
    • BLM National Training Center (NTC)
      9828 North 31st Avenue
      Phoenix, AZ 85051
  • 17

    Session 2

    Tribal consultation session Online


    Please register in advance for this session.

    • Start and End Date(s)
      Start and End Date(s): Tue, Jan 17, 2023
    • Time
      Time: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM Pacific (PT)
  • 20

    Session 3

    Tribal consultation session Online


    Please register in advance for this session.

    • Start and End Date(s)
      Start and End Date(s): Fri, Jan 20, 2023
    • Time
      Time: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM Eastern (ET)

Comment Deadline

Additional Information

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding this effort, please contact Samuel Kohn, Senior Counselor to the Assistant Secretary -Indian Affairs, via email at, or by phone at (202) 208-7163.
Open 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m., Monday–Friday.