Convenience stores are a reliable source of employment and revenue for tribes and individual Native entrepreneurs. Some of the stores are located in remote areas and are a significant provider of critical services such as gasoline, basic food items, and financial services such as money orders and wire transfers.
Several stores also complement other tribal attractions such as hotels, casinos, and artisan communities.
Date of Commitment: Multiple commitments
Type of Service: Loan Guarantee
Lender: Multiple lenders
Borrower: Tribal entities
Project: Convenience Stores
Location: View Success Story Spotlight Map (PDF)
The Southwest Zone‘s loan guarantee portfolio includes several convenience stores representing approximately $32 million in loan guarantees. Tribes have used loan guarantees to capitalize on convenience store enterprises throughout California, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico.
Convenience stores are a solid source of employment and revenue for tribes and individual Native entrepreneurs. In addition, these convenience store enterprises have been equally successful for tribes of all sizes and locations. Some of the stores are located in remote areas and are a significant provider of critical services such as gasoline, basic food items, and financial services such as money orders and wire transfers. Several stores complement other tribal attractions such as hotels, casinos, and artisan communities.
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