Indian Services Mission
The Office of Indian Services will honor tribal sovereignty by supporting Self-Determination while upholding the fiduciary responsibility.
To meet the BIA’s mission of maintaining government-to-government relationships with Indian tribes, within the spirit of Self-Determination, the Office of Indian Services offers training to improve the efficiency of awarding Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act (ISDEAA) funding, improve the monitoring of Individual Indian Monies (IIM) accounts to protect the account holder’s trust income and continue to meet the statutory requirement of annually identifying tribes that have been federally recognized to receive services from the Federal Government.
The Office of Indian Services is comprised of five divisions:
Division of Human Services
- Guides national leadership on the following programs of Welfare Assistance, Child Protection and Family Violence Intervention in Indian Country, Indian Child Welfare Act, Supervised Individual Indian Money Accounts, and the Housing Improvement Program
- Develops and implements regulations, policies and procedures related to social services and housing in Indian Country
- Provides technical assistance (when requested or identified), consultation, and appropriate training Bureau-wide; leads national coordination and collaboration with other Federal agencies that provide human services funding and social services programs to Indian communities
- Manages all human services-related financial assistance programs by providing direct payments to eligible individuals, including: general assistance, child assistance, emergency assistance, disaster and burial assistance
Division of Self-Determination Services
- Guides national leadership on the following programs of a uniformed Self-Determination policy and standard procedures, contract support for ISDEAA agreements (contracts and compacts, both), and comprehensive training development
- Provides guidance, technical support, and advisory services related to ISDEAA to BIA senior management, tribal officials, and other agency staff
- Maintains the authorized database of current and eligible Awarding Officials
- Manages the distribution of contract support-related funds, including: the contract support fund and the Indian Self-Determination fund
Division of Transportation
- Guides national leadership on the following programs of Transportation infrastructure construction, Transportation infrastructure maintenance, and Tribal Tourism
- Preserves the BIA’s transportation infrastructure, including: more than 30,000 miles of road, more than 700 bridge units, and 1 ferry
- Oversees, manages, and monitors all activities related to improving BIA transportation systems within or providing access to Indian reservations, lands, villages and communities
- Serves as the lead liaison to other Federal transportation agencies
Division of Tribal Government Services
- Guides national leadership on the following programs of Tribal enrollment activities, including enrollment appeals, Tribal organic documents, Certificates of Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB), and Judgment funds
- Provides technical assistance and resources to Tribal governments and Tribal organizations to support secretarial elections and the development and enhancement of tribal membership rolls
- Leads the maintenance of the listing of federally-recognized tribal entities (567 tribes currently recognized)
Division of Workforce Development
- Administers the Job Training and Placement Program within the BIA
- Coordinates a wide variety of employment, training, education, childcare, welfare, economic development, job development and related programs on behalf of American Indians and Alaska Natives
- Tribes can contract to administer these programs pursuant to the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, Public Law 93-638, 25 U.S.C. section 450 et seq.
Deputy Bureau Director
Mailing Address
Bureau of Indian Affairs
1849 C Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20240
United States