The Tribal Annual Performance Report (TAPR) is a required report for all tribes that receive funding from the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Housing Program (HP). The report provides information on the tribe's progress in achieving its goals, as well as any challenges or successes that the tribe has encountered.
This report is due to the servicing regional office every year by December 31.
What is a TAPR
The TAPR is an excel tool that calculates eligibility factors to determine the qualification of applicants for the Housing Program operated by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The TAPR uses excel macros to determine priority ranking points derived from information provided when applying for HP assistance. When using the TAPR, the selection of eligible families or individuals for HP services is done through a screening process by assigning priority points to specific ranking factors documented in the application.
You could download the template from the links below:
Submit TAPR to BIA
To submit the TAPR, you will need to complete the template and submit it to the BIA. You can submit the TAPR electronically or by mail.
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