WASHINGTON, D.C. - Acting Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs Aurene M. Martin today announced she has issued a Notice of Proposed Finding whereby she proposes to decline to acknowledge that the Golden Hill Paugussett Tribe (petition #81) in Trumbull, Conn., exists as an Indian tribe within the meaning of Federal law.
Date: toSecretary of the Interior Stewart L. Udall has approved an order extending until January 1, 1969, the period of trust on Indian lands, both tribal and individually owned, in cases where the trusteeship or restrictions would otherwise expire in the years from 1964 through 1968.
Date: toDenver, CO - The Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Indian Health Service and the Administration for Native Americans are joining forces to hold the first national conference for Native American youth, parents and organizations serving Native American youth. The Youth First: The Future of Indian America Conference will be held on June 2, 3, and 4, 1999 in Denver, Colorado.
Date: toAward of a $139,235 contract for the improvement of utility systems at Haskell Indian Institute, Lawrence, Kansas, was announced today by the Department of the Interior.
The contract provides for the replacement, enlargement and extension of the water, sewer and steam distribution systems. These improvements are necessary not only for adequate service to existing buildings but to provide service to the new school building and two new dormitories being constructed under another contract.
Date: toThe five-man task force now studying the organization and programs of the Bureau of Indian Affairs will hold a series of meetings with Indian tribal representatives at seven key points throughout the western half of the country starting March 20, Secretary of the Interior Stewart L. Udall announced today.
Date: toAda E. Deer, Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs announced that 177 federally-recognized tribes representing 18 tribal grantees are currently participating in a demonstration project that allows for the integration of the employment, training and related services provided by formula-funded programs from three federal agencies.
Date: toThe Department of the Interior today announced proposed regulations governing the preparation of a membership roll of the Ponca Indian Tribe of Nebraska.
The roll is to be compiled under provisions of a law approved by the President in September 1962 which gives enrolled tribal members an opportunity to express themselves for or against division of the tribal assets among themselves. Those on the roll would be the beneficiaries if division of the assets is approved.
Date: toAssistant Secretary of Indian Affairs Ada Deer today expressed strong concern over recent recommendations by Congressional Budget Committees to reduce the 1997 President's Budget for American Indian tribes and the Bureau of Indian Affairs with cuts from $100 million to $250 million.
Date: toAward of a $34,193 contract for improvement to the water supply system at Shiprock, New Mexico, on the Navajo Indian Reservation was announced today by the Department of the Interior.
The contract provides for approximately 2,000 feet of water main, and for the construction of a water treatment plant with a capacity of 750,000 gallons per day. This work is the second phase of a project to provide adequate water supply at Shiprock for a recently completed Indian hospital, a 1,000-pupil Indian boarding school and a sub-agency headquarters of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Date: toRestoration of federal funds needed for Tribal Priority Allocations (TPA) that provide basic reservation programs and develop strong and stable tribal governments is a key component of the Fiscal Year 1997 Bureau of Indian Affairs $1. 78-billion budget request.
Date: toindianaffairs.gov
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