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Bureau of Indian Affairs Releases Native Fire - An Educational Video about the Safe Use and Application of Prescribed Fire


Dates: June 01, 2019 12:00am to 12:01am

Author: Robyn Broyles

The Bureau of Indian Affairs wildland fire management programs work to protect lives, property and resources while restoring and maintaining healthy ecosystems. Produced in partnership with Injunuity the BIA is proud to release "Native Fire," a short educational video about native use of prescribed fire.

"Native Fire" discusses Native American's historic use of fire and addresses how traditional practices in the southern plains states have influenced its modern-day application. In it, fire research specialists speak to this history and address some of the complex challenges facing landscapes today.

Native Fire video picture

The 13-minute video also explains why fire is an essential and timeless tool that is necessary for maintaining and restoring ecosystems that evolved with fire. When safely applied by professionals at the right time, in the right way, for the right reasons, these prescribed fires reduce vegetation buildup, help protect our communities and restores our fire-dependent ecosystems.

Southern Plains Region also thanks Dr. Christopher Roos, Environmental Archaeologist, Southern Methodist University, John Weir, Associate Extension Specialist, Natural Resource Ecology Department, Oklahoma State University, Nathan Hart, Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes, Cheyenne & Arapaho Tribes Youth Council, Comanche Nation; and Native Drug Free Nations and Youth programs (IMMNDM).


Native Fire video picture.

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Division of Wildland Fire Management
National Interagency Fire Center, 3383 S. Development Ave
Boise, ID 83705

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