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News - Division of Wildland Fire Management


Uncrewed Aircraft Systems piloting students take part in a four-person training module near Placitas, NM on the Sandia Ranger District of the Cibola National Forest.
The Division of Wildland Fire Management acquires new uncrewed aircraft systems and trains interagency and Tribal students to pilot them. Date:
2023 BIA exclusive use contract air attack platform
BIA aviation contracts sensor enhanced air attack aircraft for technologically advanced fire and range management objectives. Date:
BIA fire leadership and acting regional director stand together for photo following the afternoon memorial service.
The national week of remembrance, June 30 – July 6, not only honors those who have tragically died battling wildfires, but provides an opportunity to remember, reflect and learn… Date:
Medical Incident Technician training participants take part in a practice medical scenario outdoors.
In late May, wildland fire responders including helitack staff, smokejumpers, fire engine operators and technicians attended a 40-hour Medical Incident Technician (MIT) training… Date:
2022 3D color LiDAR capture of a tree stand provided by Northwest Management, Inc.
The Hualapai (People of the Tall Pine) Tribe is in northwest Arizona with a land base that encompasses over a million acres. The land has four primary fuel types: timber –… Date:
American Bison graze in newly restored grasslands on The Prairie Band Potawatomi Indian Reservation.
In support of the Department’s efforts to restore the American Bison species and integrate Indigenous Knowledge into our shared stewardship goals, BIA Division of Wildland Fire… Date:
Bureau of Indian Affairs’ Vulcan Peak Helitack program
Previously based in Mescalero, NM, the Bureau of Indian Affairs’ Vulcan Peak Helitack program is now successfully operational from its new location in Albuquerque, NM, as of April… Date:
Aaron Baldwin, BIA Wildland Fire Management Fire Director, presents career opportunities to student attendees at a Tribal fire/forestry student summit in Flagstaff, AZ.
In the fall of 2022, Northern Arizona University (NAU), in partnership with the Intertribal-Timber Council, hosted its bi-annual Tribal Forestry Fire Student Summit. This year’s… Date:
Students, Andrew Stanfield and Crystal Hernandez apply firing patterns at the Pine Ridge Rx site
This October, 12 students received certificates for completing S-219 Firing Operations training (S-219) at the BIA Pine Ridge Agency in South Dakota. The instructors for the… Date:
3d imaging of San Carlos Apache Reservation Shoe Tank burn unit
Press Release
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) provides funds to dramatically increase fuels treatments and post-wildfire recovery efforts. This funding represents an opportunity to… Date:

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