News - Division of Wildland Fire Management


Wayne Waquiu, BAER Team Forester, discusses the impacts of the Cerro Pelado fire on the Tribe's timber resource with Pueblo of Jemez' natural resources staff members.

In response to the April 2022 Cerro Pelado Fire, a BAER Team was brought in to evaluate soil burn severity and post-wildfire threats to human life, safety, and property as well… Date:

Timber Team working timber trespass area outside Okemah, OK, 2021. Hilary Chittom, Jason Roberts, Ryan Frandino, Garrett McFall, Wesley Staats, and Connor Eckhout are pictured from left to right.

DFWFM’s Timber Strike Team traveled to nine states to assist 17 Tribal agencies with timber sales and continuous forest inventory (CFI) projects.

2019 Fort Apache fuels employees create a fuel break

BIA’s Western Region will participate in fuels treatments on the Catalina-Rincon Restoration and Fuels Mitigation project for the Santa Catalina Ranger District of the Coronado… Date: