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Final PEIS and Appendices

This Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (FPEIS) analyzed the potential environmental consequences of implementing the Navajo Nation Integrated Weed Management Plan on Navajo Trust Land and Navajo Indian Allotments. The PEIS was prepared in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) guidelines as set by the Council of Environmental Quality in 40 CFR 1500-1508 and Indian Affairs National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Guidebook 59 IAM 3-H.  The alternatives evaluated in this Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) include: Alternative 1 - the No Action; Alternative 2 - the Proposed Action; and Alternative 3 – the No Biological Control Alternative.

Based on the BIA’s Record of Decision, made in December 2022, the Navajo Region will proceed with Alternative 2.

A tan bullfrog swims in a small clear pool. A branch and a few sticks are visible on the bottom of the sandy pool and a single willow branch crosses into view.

Mitigation measures included in the Final PEIS for the Integrated Weed Management Plan will help protect sensitive species from potential impacts from weed treatments.

The main chapters of this document describe the purpose and need for the plan; alternatives including the proposed action; the affected environment; environmental consequences; cumulative impacts; and consultation and coordination. The appendices include the Navajo Nation Integrated Weed Management Plan; Scoping Report; the Final Biological Assessment for federally and tribally listed species; the Navajo Nation Cultural Resource Permit Process; and additional information on the resource analysis for soils, vegetation, and herbicide impacts.

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An official website of the U.S. Department of the Interior

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