Meetings and Working Groups
The Indian Energy Service Center (IESC) facilitates ongoing meetings and working groups supporting Indian energy and mineral development.
The Indian Energy and Minerals Steering Committee (IEMSC) is composed of senior-level management from the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR), the Bureau of Trust Funds Administration (BTFA), and the Appraisal and Valuation Services Office – Division of Mineral Evaluation (AVSO-DME). IEMSC meets regularly to share information and solve issues involving conventional and renewable energy resources, mineral resources, and associated revenue management on Indian lands at the lowest level possible.
Federal Partners Meetings are regular meetings of appointed representatives from a broad swath of federal agencies. The partnership team meets semi-annually at a minimum (or quarterly as needed) to serve as a forum for Indian energy and mineral resource development, royalty management coordination, and information exchange at the local office level.
Program Coordination
The IESC supports key components of federal Indian energy programs, including:
- Mineral Royalty and Accounting Distribution (MRAD) processing.
- Bankruptcy coordination.
- Tribal Energy Resource Agreements and Tribal Energy Development Organization.
- Facilitating the review of proposed leases authorized by the Indian Mineral Development Act.
- Supporting the Renewable Energy Accelerated Deployment Initiative.
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Lakewood, CO 80401