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Indian Energy Service Center

Our Mission

The mission of the Indian Energy Service Center (IESC) is to fulfill the Department of the Interior’s (DOI) Indian trust responsibility in the energy and mineral development arena. We do this by modernizing business processes to efficiently develop the Indian energy and mineral estate while protecting trust assets by removing barriers to energy (renewable and conventional) and mineral development on Indian lands.

Who We Serve

The IESC serves the Indian trust mission of the DOI in the arena of energy and mineral management. IESC does this through providing technical assistance, guidance, and training to bureaus and offices within the department and to other federal agencies that develop energy and mineral resources on Indian trust lands, including the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and the Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR), and others.

IESC facilitates nationwide cooperation between government offices to expedite Indian oil and gas development, standardize processes, and improve the efficiency of Indian energy, renewable energy, and mineral development management to better serve Indian beneficiaries and Tribes.

Services We Provide


About the Indian Energy Service Center

The IESC is funded and led by the BIA and includes organizational units of the BIA, BLM, ONRR, and the Bureau of Trust Funds Administration (BTFA). This unique, all-government approach leverages program strengths from across DOI and brings an effective focus to the Indian trust mission.

The IESC is responsible for managing energy and mineral resources on Indian lands. One broad area within the IESC’s mission is program-wide facilitation and coordination functions across DOI. This includes facilitating the Indian Energy and Minerals Steering Committee (IEMSC) and the six regional Federal Partners meetings, establishing program guidance and direction through national policy memoranda, energy and mineral handbooks, and standard operating procedures, and other similar functions.

The IESC also provides energy and mineral related support processing to the DOI’s field-level offices, including BIA regional and agency offices, BLM state and field offices, BTFA regional and agency offices, ONRR offices, and other Department organizational units as requested. Field offices may require assistance due to high workload volume; highly complex processing needs or coordination, or for other reasons. In any case, the IESC coordinates with field offices to provide additional support processing capacity as needed to develop work products for the local line officer as needed, thereby providing a cost-effective solution to meeting fluctuating workload and capacity exceedances.

The IESC was created through a recommendation from an IEMSC subcommittee to address the growing backlog at agencies due to the increased activity throughout Indian country. Approved by the Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs, the IESC received federal funding in FY 2016 and began hiring staff from BIA, BLM, and ONRR.

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