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Past News Items

Secretary of the Interior Stewart L. Udall stated today that the revised budget estimate for fiscal year 1962 which President Kennedy submitted to the Congress is a great step forward in the Administration's programs in conserving and developing our Nation's natural and human resources.

"The request for additional appropriation of $40,668,000 over the amount submitted by the previous administration", he said, “will launch a vigorous resources program.”

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Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Kevin Gover today thanked Oklahoma Indian organizations and tribal leaders for their receptivity and attention to the message he delivered on Indian youth issues during his visit to the state last week. "I an exceedingly grateful that my message on attacking the causes of alcohol and drug abuse among Indian youth was warmly received everywhere I traveled in Oklahoma," Gover said.

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The Department of the Interior today invited the submission of proposals for leasing and development of three separate parcels of undeveloped Indian land comprising nearly 13,000 acres with a frontage of about 10 miles along the Colorado River in the States of Arizona, California and Nevada.

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Ada E. Deer, Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs will represent the Department of the Interior at the signing ceremony of Truckee River Water Quality Settlement Agreement, in Reno, Nevada. The execution of this agreement ends a long standing emotionally charged lawsuit initiated by The Pyramid Lake Tribe against the Cities of Reno, Sparks, the State of Nevada, and the EPA This agreement establishes a joint program to improve water quality in the Truckee River through purchase and dedication of water rights and to use treatment plant effluent in place of fresh water for certain uses.

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Secretary of the Interior Stewart L. Udall said today that ten more conservation projects totaling $927,400 and assuring more than 100 man-years of employment have just been approved under the Accelerated Public Works Program for administration by the Department of the Interior.

The projects are in addition to the $4,970,000 in public works allotments announced January 30 by Secretary Udall for 49 projects in 18 States.

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H.R. 3286 introduced into the House of Representatives on April 23, 1996 proposes to amend the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 making it easier for non-Indians to adopt Indian children without tribal consent, Ada E. Deer, Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs announced today.

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The Justice Department has concluded after an F.B.I. investigation that allegations of brutality against students at the Chilocco, Okla., Indian School by some staff members were without foundation, Assistant Secretary of the Interior Harrison Loesch said today.

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Ada E. Deer, Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs, today expressed her gratitude to Vice President Al Gore for directly intervening on behalf of Americans Indians in last week's intense negotiations over the Department of the Interior's (DOI) continued funding resolution.

"Vice President Gore once again demonstrated his strong leadership and concern over the devastating effect massive budget cuts would have on American Indian programs," said Ms. Deer. "His efforts will have a decisive and immediate positive impact on the Indian Community," she says.

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A White Mountain Apache tribal delegation from Arizona will arrive in Washington Saturday, December 11, poised for a full week of activities prior to the official Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony slated for next Friday.

The five-member delegation, representing the Tribe which donated the Nation's Christmas tree this year, will be composed of: Lester Oliver, Tribal Chairman; Fred Banashley, Vice-Chairman; Mary Enfield; Mary V. Riley; and Nelson Lupe, Sr.

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Ada E. Deer, Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs is thrilled to announce that there is $34.6 million in loan guarantee authority currently available to assist tribal and individual enterprises on or near Indian reservations.

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An official website of the U.S. Department of the Interior

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