The Northern Cheyenne Reservation is located in southeastern Montana near Colstrip, Montana. This mineral rich reservation is home to over 9,300 Northern Cheyenne enrolled tribal members. The Northern Cheyenne Agency provides stewardship to more than 545,551 surface acres, held in trust. The Agency also provides stewardship to more than 2,765 surface acres of Turtle Mountain Public Domain lands in trust.
The Agency provides direct services in the following program areas: Executive Direction & Administration, Facilities Management, Social Services, Natural Resources, Agriculture, Trust Services, Forestry and Wildland Fire Management, Probate, and Real Estate Services.
The Tribe has contracted the following programs: Job Placement & Training, Johnson O’Malley, Tribal Community College, Scholarships, Tribal Adult Education, Community Fire Protection, Indian Child Welfare, Housing Improvement, Tribal Courts, Natural Resources, Agriculture, Water Resources, Wildlife & Parks, Tribal Management & Development, Forest Development, Endangered Species, and Other Aid to Tribal Government.
Contact Us
Superintendent: Andrew Werk Jr.
Deputy Superintendent: Adam Wolf
Administrative Officer: Debra Madrigal
Telephone: (406) 477-8242
Mailing Address:
Northern Cheyenne Agency
Bureau of Indian Affairs
P.O. Box 40
Lame Deer, MT 590435
Physical Address:
Northern Cheyenne Agency
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Hwy 39 N. Cheyenne Ave, Bldg 41
Lame Deer, MT 59043
Fax: (406) 477-6636