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Social Service Programs

Financial Assistance and Social Services (FASS) consist of direct funding and activities related to financial assistance, including general assistance, child assistance, burial assistance, emergency assistance, and adult care assistance; social services, including services to children, the elderly, and families; and child and adult protection services.

This program provides assistance to American Indians and Alaska Natives who have no access to Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), do not meet eligibility criteria for TANF, or have exceeded the lifetime limit for TANF services. The services under this section are designed to be secondary in nature.

The five types of direct assistance offered include:

  1. Burial Assistance: This program provides funds to assist with the burial expenses of deceased indigent Indians whose estates lack sufficient resources to meet funeral expenses. As of June 28, 2024, in accordance with Human Service Regulations, 25 CFR Part 20, the maximum payment standard is $3,500.00 per burial.
  2. Child Assistance: This program provides financial assistance payments on behalf of Indian children who require placement in foster homes, private or tribal group day care homes, or residential settings designed to provide special care. It also includes services for children who need adoption or guardianship.

    Child assistance specific to adoption/guardianship subsidy: As of June 28, 2024, in accordance with Human Service Regulations, 25 CFR Part 20, the maximum maintenance subsidy must not exceed the basic foster care rate for the age group of the child in the state where the child resides.
  3. Emergency Assistance: This assistance is provided directly to individuals whose homes suffered personal property damage or were destroyed by fire, flood, or other calamities. When other resources are unavailable, it covers the essential needs of food, shelter, and utilities. As of June 28, 2024, in accordance with Human Service Regulations, 25 CFR Part 20, the maximum payment standard is $1,500.00 per household.
  4. General Assistance: Provides financial assistance payments to eligible Indians for essential needs such as food, clothing, shelter, and utilities. The goal of General Assistance is to increase self-sufficiency. This is accomplished through specific steps an individual will take to increase independence as outlined in his/her Individual Self-Sufficiency Plan (ISP). To be eligible for General Assistance, all applicants must apply concurrently for financial assistance from other state, tribal, county, local, or other Federal agency programs for which they might be eligible.
  5. Non-Medical Institutional or Custodial Care of Adults: Provides monthly financial assistance for an Indian adult requiring non-medical personal care and supervision due to an advanced age, infirmity, physical condition or mental impairment. This program provides home care services to assist vulnerable adults who are able to stay in their own homes and residential care for those otherwise eligible Indians when necessary. This assistance is provided to disabled adults who are not eligible for care from any other county, state, or Federal program.

The Financial Assistance and Social Services manage Direct Service programs - Case Management System (FASS-CMS) to ensure program performance and accountability. FASS-CMS is a comprehensive case management system for Social Service case workers. It improves the Social Service worker's productivity and decision-making process by providing more complete case information and conforming to the case worker's functionality while enabling better resource management.

Public Laws, CFRs, Indian Affairs Policy, and Important Reference Documents


Financial Assistance and Social Services programs under 25 CFR Part 20:

Indian Affairs Manual (IAM), Part 70, Chapter 3: Financial Assistance and Social Services Reporting

This chapter establishes Indian Affairs policy and procedures for submission of the Financial Assistance and Social Service Report (FASSR), the Request for Additional Funds (RAF), and the required accompanying documentation.

An official website of the U.S. Department of the Interior

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