The Bureau of Indian Affairs provides monitoring, guidance, technical support, and advisory services to Tribes implementing welfare assistance programs that promote the safety, financial security, and social health of American Indian and Alaska Native communities. Funding also aims to address shortfalls to avoid the shutdown of one or more welfare assistance programs. These distributions are made according to each Tribe’s self-determination contract or self-governance funding agreement.
Financial Assistance and Social Services (FASSR) Report Form
The bureau implements Title IV of the Indian Self-Determination Education and Assistance Act as amended (P.L. 93-638) by distributing welfare assistance funds to Tribes based on a methodology that facilitates the fair and equitable treatment of potential recipients.
All tribal and BIA social service programs that use Welfare Assistance and Social Services Administrative funds must submit a BIA Financial Assistance & Social Service Program Report (FASSR) each year. The report provides vital information that the BIA uses to justify funding levels, make program and policy decisions, and educate Congress, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and the public.
BIA provides technical assistance to support tribes in developing the required documents, reports, and information to submit an accurate and complete FASSR.