Division of Formulation & Financial Budget Management, Sharon Omps, Division Chief
The Division of Budget Formulation (Division) manages the preparation of the Indian Affairs' (IA) President's Budget Request and coordinates Executive and Congressional appropriations responses and briefings.
Additionally, the Division coordinates Tribal consultation with the Tribal Interior Budget Committee as it relates to the formulation of the IA budget justifications.
The Division is also responsible for providing guidance and technical assistance to all programs and regions to ensure compliance with these activities/functions.
Functions/Activities include:
- Tracks the appropriations process
- Comp Table Development
- FTE management and reporting
- Greenbook Coordination and Development
- Develops Regional Formulation Guidance
- Coordination of Regional Budget Submissions
- Budget Subcommittee Meeting Coordination
- Coordinates the preparation of capability and effect statements
- Provides responses to House and Senate questions
- Budget Formulation Documents and Tools
FY2023 Enacted Comp Table (BIA) - Final Distribution
FY2023 Enacted Comp Table (BIA) - Final Distribution
FY2023 Enacted Comp Table (BIA)
FY2023 Enacted Comp Table (BIE)
FY2022 Enacted Comp Table (BIA)
FY 2022 Enacted Comp Table (BIE)
FY2021 Enacted Comp Table (BIA)
FY2021 Enacted Comp Table (BIE)
FY2021 ARP Act Comp Table (BIA)
FY2021 ARP Act Comp Table (BIE)
FY2020 Enacted Comp Table (BIA)
FY2020 CARES Act Comp Table (BIA)
FY2020 Enacted Comp Table (BIE)
FY2020 CARES Act Comp Table (BIE)
FY2019 Enacted Comp Table Enacted